Background & Overview
Background Information
The Affirmation of Commitments (AoC) calls for periodic reviews of four key ICANN objectives:
- Ensuring accountability, transparency and the interests of global Internet users;
- Preserving security, stability and resiliency of the DNS;
- Promoting competition, consumer trust and consumer choice;
- WHOIS policy.
To date, four reviews have been undertaken and three completed. More information is available on the ICANN web site.
On 18 July 2013, the Board directed the CEO to convene the AoC Review Team to assess the extent to which the introduction or expansion of new gTLDs has promoted competition, consumer trust and consumer choice (CCT-RT). Initially, the CCT-RT is to be responsible for:
(i) Evaluating the feasibility, utility and cost-effectiveness of adopting the recommendations of the GNSO Council ( and the ALAC ( metrics-11apr13-en.pdf) with respect to the metrics to be used in conducting the review;
(ii) Evaluating other inputs, including historical data regarding metrics used toevaluate earlier rounds of new gTLDs (2000, 2004);
(iii) Engaging in outreach with the GNSO, ALAC and other interested ICANN stakeholders on the proposed metrics;
(iv) Evaluating the Staff analysis to be delivered to the CCT-RT on the feasibility and utility of each of the proposed metrics, and whether the implementation costs are reasonable in light of the value of the information to be revealed;
(iv) Proposing to the ICANN Board a set of metrics to be compiled by ICANN for use in this AoC review of the New gTLD Program.
Where the Review Team’s proposed metrics differ from those recommended by the GNSO Council or the ALAC, the Review Team is expected to consult with the GNSO and ALAC to share its rationale, and determine whether the collective set of metrics recommended by the Review Team sufficiently address the goals of the GNSO and the ALAC.
In line with these requirements, ICANN invites interested individuals to apply for a position of volunteer Review Team member, in representation of a Supporting Organization or Advisory Committee,
and/or for a position of Independent Expert on the Competition, Consumer Trust and Consumer Choice Review Team.
Composition of the CCT-RT will include:
- The Chair of the GAC (or designated nominee)
- The CEO of ICANN (or designated nominee)
- Representatives of the relevant ICANN Advisory Committees and Supporting Organizations
- Independent experts
Membership is individual. Review Team members are expected to participate in both phases of this review, despite an expected lag of time between the two phases. The work of the Review Team will
be conducted through face-to-face meetings (at an ICANN office), conference calls, or other mechanisms deemed appropriate. Review Team members may not delegate membership responsibilities (except as noted above) and are expected to be available for substantive work well into 2014.
The mandate of the CCT-RT is defined as follows in the AoC:
“ICANN will ensure that as it contemplates expanding the top-level domain space, the various issues that are involved (including competition, consumer protection, security, stability and resiliency, malicious abuse issues, sovereignty concerns, and rights protection) will be adequately addressed prior to implementation. If and when new gTLDs (whether in ASCII or other language character sets) have been in operation for one year, ICANN will organize a review that will examine the extent to which the introduction or expansion of gTLDs has promoted competition, consumer trust and consumer choice, as well as effectiveness of (a) the application and evaluation process, and (b) safeguards put in place to mitigate issues involved in the introduction or expansion. ICANN will organize a further review of its execution of the above commitments two years after the first review, and then no less frequently than every four years.”
Phase One of the Review Team’s work will result in report to the Board on a proposed set of metrics to be compiled by ICANN for use in the AoC Review of the New gTLD Program.
Methodology & Support
The methodology for conducting the review will be determined by the Review Team.
English is the working language.
ICANN Staff support will be available to the Review Team. External expert may be appointed as Chair.
Review Team Members will be requested to perform tasks such as:
- Assessing each metric recommended by the GNSO Council and ALAC on whether the proposed metric is feasible and useful to the AoC mandate and future Review Team analysis, and whether the implementation costs associated with collecting the metric are justified in light of the value of the information to be received;
- Considering public, Community, staff and Board input;
- Analyzing findings and drawing conclusions;
- Drafting recommendations and initial report for public comment and issuing a final report.
Phases of Review Team Work
The Review Team will work in two phases:
- Phase One will occur as soon as the Review Team is appointed, and involves evaluating various metrics to be collected by ICANN as proposed by the GNSO Council, ALAC, and others, and developing recommendations for the set of metrics to be collected by ICANN in preparation for the upcoming review of the New gTLD Program.
- Phase Two will occur after new gTLDs have been in operation for one year, and involves examining the extent to which the introduction or expansion of gTLDs has promoted competition, consumer trust, and consumer choice. Additionally, the Review Team will evaluate the effectiveness of the application and evaluation process, as well as the safeguards put in place by ICANN to mitigate issues involved in the introduction or expansion of new gTLDs.
Once the proposed metrics are delivered to the Board at the conclusion of Phase One, the Review Team’s work will be suspended until the new gTLDs have been in operation for one year. In the
interim, ICANN will develop the systems to collect the metrics approved through this process.
Timeline for Phase One
The CCT-RT is expected to deliver its report and recommendations in 2014. Announcement and call for volunteers 12 August 2013:
Activity | Date |
Applications due | 11 September |
SO/AC endorsement of applicants | 27 September |
Announcement of final selection | 2 October |
Project kick-off | 15 October |
Initial report draft | 20 December |
Post initial report (including translations) for public comment | 20 January 2014 |
Community engagement on the initial report (including, specifically, with the GNSO and ALAC) | 27 March |
Issue final report for phase one | 11 April |
Desired Skillset
Applicants should possess the following professional and personal skills:
- Knowledge of the subject matter of the review
- Familiarity with ICANN’s multi-stakeholder policy development model and procedures
- Expertise in consumer protection matters
- Understanding of the New gTLD rights protection mechanisms
- Expertise in mitigating DNS and potential security threats
- Experience in evaluating competition and market forces in the gTLD space or in other industries
- Expertise in quantitative analysis and information systems
Call for Applicants
This call is solely intended for individuals interested in applying for a position of Volunteer Review Team Member, in representation of a Supporting Organization or Advisory Committee, and/or as
an Independent Expert on the CCT-RT.
Each Review Team is responsible for a single review cycle, in this case consisting of two phases. Selected members will not serve on more than one Review Team at the same time.
Selection of the members of the CCT-RT will be made jointly by the Chair of the Governmental
Advisory Committee and by the President and CEO.
Composition of the Review Team will aim to achieve:
- Geographic diversity;
- Gender balance;
- Understanding of ICANN's role and the basic Internet ecosystem in which ICANN operates;
- Expertise in a discipline related to the review topic (relevant technical expertise, if required by the scope of the review);
CCT-RT members will not be remunerated. However, reasonable travel, meal and lodging costs for appointed members and independent experts to participate in Review Team meetings will be reimbursed upon request in accordance with ICANN's community travel support guidelines.
How to Apply for the Position of Volunteer Review Team Member
Interested individuals are invited to provide the following:
- • A resume (maximum three pages);
- • A letter of motivation;
- • A Declaration of Interests (the template may be
- found: affirmation-05oct12-en.pdf
- [PDF, 52 KB]);
- • The Supporting Organization or Advisory Committee he/she wishes to represent;
- • Any additional information the Supporting Organization or Advisory Committee may require to
- reach its decision on endorsement. Candidatures will be forwarded to the Supporting Organization
- (SO) or Advisory Committee (AC) identified by the applicant, for endorsement. SO/AC endorsement
- will be factored into the selection process;
- • The desired position (a representative of an SO/AC, an independent expert). Should an
- applicant wish to be considered for more than one position, the order of preference should be
- specified.
Candidatures are to be submitted to by 9 September 2013 – 23:59 UTC.
The list of all candidates and their applications will be published on the ICANN website.
How to Apply for the Position of Independent Expert
Interested individuals are invited to provide the following:
- A resume (maximum three pages);
- A letter of motivation;
- A Declaration of Interests (the template may be found: affirmation-05oct12-en.pdf [PDF, 52 KB]);
- References of relevance for the field of expertise;
- The desired position. Should an applicant wish to be considered for more than one position, the order of preference should be specified.
- Candidatures are to be submitted to by 11 September 2013 – 23:59 UTC.
The list of all candidates and their applications will be published on the ICANN website.
Please contact Larisa Gurnick at larisa.gurnick and Alice Jansen for any questions you may have.