Checklist Instructions

Checklist Instructions

An online Wiki template has been developed to simplify Staff's effort in creating an Issues Tracking Checklist. Brief instructions for completing and saving the template are provided on the page cited. This document contains guidelines concerning each of the fields within the template.


  • The text block areas within the template are not constrained and will continue to expand (scroll bar) if you have more information to enter than the space that is initially provided.
  • When entering content into any of the fields, it is possible to format text as bold, italics, underline, and to insert bulleted/numbered lists, tables, and weblinks.



This section is set up to handle up to six separate Categories (A-F), which should accommodate most needs. It can be expanded beyond six by contacting Ken Bour, Consultant to ICANN. 

Each issue is entered on a separate row and you can have up to 500 issues per category. Select the most appropriate status from the drop-down list and enter any disposition in the last column. The following guidelines may be helpful for a few of the status entries although there are no definitive rules:

  • Pending ...although the issue is documented, no action is being taken at the time the Analysis is prepared.
  • Deferred ...indicates that a resolution may be feasible; however, it is dependent upon some future action or decision where the time horizon is inexact.
  • Postponed ...is used to indicate that a resolution may be feasible; however, it is awaiting some future action or state where the time-frame is known or can be estimated reasonably accurately.
  • Unknown ...is used when it is not possible to determine a resolution until some future state is known or action has occurred. 

To add a new row within a Category, click the and select the next number from the drop-down list.

If you need less than six Categories, click the x next to the first empty row for each unused Category and they will no longer display after you Save the page.