At-Large Policy Roundtable - 2014-10-15 - Los Angeles Chat
Gisella Gruber 2: (10/15/2014 09:59) Hello, my name is Gisella Gruber and I will be monitoring this chat room. In this role, I am the voice for the remote participants, ensuring that they are heard equally with those who are “in-room” participants. When submitting a question that you want me to read out loud on the mic, please provide your name and affiliation if you have one, start your sentence with <QUESTION> and end it with <QUESTION>. When submitting a comment that you want me to read out loud of the mic, once again provide your name and affiliation if you have one then start your sentence with a <COMMENT> and end it with <COMMENT>. Text outside these quotes will be considered as part of “chat” and will not be read out loud on the mic. Any questions or comments provided outside of the session time will not be read aloud. Please note that streamed audio may be available in other UN Languages: Click on your session link in the Los Angeles schedule - you will find which if any languages are being streamed.
Beran Gillen: (10:00) hello everyone!!!
Beran Gillen: (10:00) hi @Gisella
Gisella Gruber 2: (10:11) Hello and Welcome Beran
Gisella Gruber 2: (10:11) and all other remote participants
Heidi Ullrich: (10:14) Hi Beran, glad you can join us remotely! Hope all is well with you and your family :)
Beran Gillen: (10:15) yes we r doing great
Edmon: (10:30) <question>sorry, a bit off topic though somewhat related too, anyway recently become aware that the RAA2013 seems to specify that for WHOIS outputs by registrars, the disclaimer, i.e. non-abuse notice, needs to be after the contact data, and it appears that ICANN compliance insists on that approach. Wondering where this requirement came from and what the previous PDP/WG discussed on the topic. It seems odd that the disclaimer would appear after (rather than before) a user consumes the WHOIS data, and that would apply to I think potentially proxied data too, a user should be able to identify such disclaimers about the data they are about to read before they read the data, wonder if James or Stephane or others have any information/knowledge/thought about that<question>
Carlton Samuels: (10:34) Hi Holly, Hi Steph, Hi Kathyn joioning late but good to see you all
Gisella Gruber 2: (10:37) @ Edmon - thank you for your question - we have notified Holly
Edmon: (10:38) thx gisella sorry its a bit long :-P
Gisella Gruber 2: (10:39) Yes - we have 13 minutes left so if we do not get to it during the session, Holly will get back to you via email.
Edmon: (10:40) no worries
Carlton Samuels: (10:40) Provider to Provider is a transaction and can only be determined by contractual obligations. What is important to the RAA is that the receptive P/P provider is compliant with rules
Carlton Samuels: (10:43) The P/P to P/P transfer transaction is outside the remit of ICANN to the extent both are qualified and accredited. ICANN and the RAA picks ups when the transaction is settled.
Carlton Samuels: (10:44) WHich means its 'caveat emptor' for the P/P customer.
steve metalitz: (10:49) Sorry I could not be there in person and was late to remote participation.
Gisella Gruber 2: (10:50) Welcome Steve - we only have a couple of minutes left
Carlton Samuels: (10:51) @Steph: +1; however the report conceded and we agreed that the risk analysis was outstanding
Gisella Gruber 2: (10:52) Panel 2 - Alternate and Innovative DNS - Moderator: Evan Leibovitch
Carlton Samuels: (10:53) Ariel: @Dave: Please ask him to send his presentation to the registration issues WG list
Gisella Gruber 2: (10:55) @ Carlton - will ask Dave to do this
Carlton Samuels: (10:56) @Gisella: Thanks very much my dear. All the better for seeing u
Gisella Gruber 2: (10:57) @ Carlton -always a pleasure 'seeing' you
Carlton Samuels: (11:04) The audio is 'carrying on'!
Gisella Gruber 2: (11:07) @ Carlton - audio good?
Carlton Samuels: (11:09) @Gisella: Much improved, thanks for following up
Olivier Crepin-Leblond: (11:09) Is there a ".frogans" presentation? We're on a Tor slide at the moment
Olivier Crepin-Leblond: (11:11) thanks!
Romina F. Cabrera: (11:21) Very interesting!!Thanks
John McCormac/ (11:22) <question>Is frogans a solution looking for a problem?</question>
Romina F. Cabrera: (11:22) Governece of Internet, DDHH on line, in the future ??
Romina F. Cabrera: (11:23) Governance, sorry
Gisella Gruber: (11:23) @ John - thank you for your quesiton - I will submit this to Evan
Gisella Gruber: (11:23) Apologies - question to Tom
Romina F. Cabrera: (11:26) Please, as you evolve to the management model of Intenernet, since the transfer of USA, in relation to the ddh and online data privacy?
Romina F. Cabrera: (11:27) Congratulatios!!Very intersting.
Gisella Gruber: (11:29) Reminder: When submitting a question that you want me to read out loud on the mic, please provide your name and affiliation if you have one, start your sentence with <QUESTION> and end it with <QUESTION>. When submitting a comment that you want me to read out loud of the mic, once again provide your name and affiliation if you have one then start your sentence with a <COMMENT> and end it with <COMMENT>. Text outside these quotes will be considered as part of “chat” and will not be read out loud on the mic.
Romina F. Cabrera: (11:29) okkkk
John McCormac/ (11:30) <comment>Thanks. But this is a similar argument to the .mobi idea.</comment>
Romina F. Cabrera: (11:31) Romina Florencia Cabrera Academica, Abogada UBA PREGUNTA:Please, as you evolve to the management model of Internet, since the transfer of USA, in relation to the ddhh and online data privacy? PREGUNTA
Gisella Gruber 2: (11:32) @ Romina - thank you for your question - we will pass this on to Tom and Evan as we are ending the session now
Romina F. Cabrera: (11:33) Romina Florencia Cabrera UBA COMENTARIO thans you!!is a honor. Congratulations!!!COMENTARIO