Otunte Otueneh ICANN 50 Meeting Report
Otunte Otueneh ICANN 50 Meeting Report
- The Opening Ceremony was quite informing with the speeches of the ICANN Board Chairman Steve Crocker, ICANN President Fadi Chade, Ed Vaizey (Minister for Culture, Comms & Creative Industries, UK), Lu Wei, Minister of Cyberspace Affairs Administration of China, Rt. Honorable Carwyn Jones, First Minister of Wales.
2. The Atlas II discussion meeting with the SO-AC Chairs, some information gathered were:
a. Non for Profit was created in June 2011
b. advice goes from ALAC to board but it the advices are not binding
c. IGF is young
d. communities should know they have a voice on the internet
e. ICANN is looking at Non Commercial users
f. Trade mark Clearing House was created for gTLD
g. ICANN cannot change ccTLDs
3. Board meeting with At-Large:
a. at NETMundial, everyone listened to everyone which is good
b. NETMundial was a global programme that got the developing world leading
c. NETMundial had a global opinion but was not decisive. It was a great success
d. Civil Society is for IGF and not ICANN
e. Language barrier should be broken
Time allocation to meeting sessions were not enough to round up discussions.