LACRALO General Assembly 2014-06-25

LACRALO General Assembly 2014-06-25

LACRALO General Assembly 

Date: Wednesday, 25 June 2014

Time: 16:30-19:00 local time (for the time in various timezones click here)

Room: Windsor

Meeting Number: AL.RL/WS.0614/1


How do I participate in this meeting?

Adobe Connect Meeting Room:  https://icann.adobeconnect.com/lhr50-sovereign/


Action Items: EN 

Summary Minutes: EN      

Recording:  EN, ES, FR

Transcript:    EN        

AC Chat Transcript:  EN       


Remote Participation: 


Lead: SV

Notes: SV



  1. Welcome and Aim of Meeting - Alberto Soto, Chair of LACRALO (3 min)
  2. Latin America & Caribbean Strategy Update and other issues - Rodrigo De la Parra (10 min)
  3. Procedure to determine the way to reach consensus with the regards to ALAC's opinion to certify an ALSes.  (25 min)
  4. Procedure to issue a LACRALO declaration about an issue of interest  (25 min)
  5. Procedure to improve participation of ALSes in LACRALO and ICANN  (25 min)
  6. Proposal to make uniform the EN and ES versions of the Rules of Procedure (25 min)
  7. Proposal of recruitment program to involve more  ALSes in LACRALO   (15 min)
  8. Accountability of LACRALO members  (15 min)
  9. Proposal of metrics to  evaluate LACRALO members  (30 min)
  10. Closing of General Assembly and Next Steps - Alberto Soto, Chair of LACRALO (2 min)