LACRALO General Assembly 2014-06-25
LACRALO General Assembly 2014-06-25
LACRALO General Assembly
Date: Wednesday, 25 June 2014
Time: 16:30-19:00 local time (for the time in various timezones click here)
Room: Windsor
Meeting Number: AL.RL/WS.0614/1
How do I participate in this meeting?
Adobe Connect Meeting Room: https://icann.adobeconnect.com/lhr50-sovereign/
Action Items: EN
Summary Minutes: EN
Recording: EN, ES, FR
Transcript: EN
AC Chat Transcript: EN
Remote Participation:
Lead: SV
Notes: SV
- Welcome and Aim of Meeting - Alberto Soto, Chair of LACRALO (3 min)
- Latin America & Caribbean Strategy Update and other issues - Rodrigo De la Parra (10 min)
- Procedure to determine the way to reach consensus with the regards to ALAC's opinion to certify an ALSes. (25 min)
- Procedure to issue a LACRALO declaration about an issue of interest (25 min)
- Procedure to improve participation of ALSes in LACRALO and ICANN (25 min)
- Proposal to make uniform the EN and ES versions of the Rules of Procedure (25 min)
- Proposal of recruitment program to involve more ALSes in LACRALO (15 min)
- Accountability of LACRALO members (15 min)
- Proposal of metrics to evaluate LACRALO members (30 min)
- Closing of General Assembly and Next Steps - Alberto Soto, Chair of LACRALO (2 min)