CCWG Intensive Meeting (23-24 April 2015)

CCWG Intensive Meeting (23-24 April 2015)


Virtual Meeting Room:

Please join the Virtual Meeting Room:https://icann.adobeconnect.com/accountability/. The CCWG Co-chairs will refer to hands raised in the Virtual Meeting Room to build the queue during discussions. Please note that chat sessions are being archived.

Dial-in Details:

Refer to calendar invite. Please remember to state your name before speaking for transcript purposes.

Intensive Meeting Dedicated Wiki Page:

Agenda and timetable will be available on the dedicated face-to-face meeting wiki page along with links to session archives:https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/acctcrosscomm/pages/97716720/CCWG+Intensive+Meeting+23-24+April+2015

Reading List & Draft Report Dedicated wiki page

The draft report wiki page -https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/display/acctcrosscomm/Draft+Report - encapsulates structure of the draft report and is the central repository for documents that will be discussed.

Table of references including list of DOCs and PDFs is available on draft report page above including:

  • CWG Expectations (latest correspondence)
  • Relevant Legal advice
  • Input from advisors, when available

Working methods for high intensity meetings

We strongly encourage you to read and observe working methods (discussed on 21 April) that were designed to articulate the meeting objectives and guide the group as sessions unfold.

This document provides a detailed view of the expected agenda and a high level description of expected discussion points.  



23 April

24 April

04:00 - 06:00 UTC (time converter)

11:00 – 12:00 UTC (time converter)

19:00 – 22:00 UTC (time converter)

08:00 – 10:00 UTC (time converter)

13:00 – 14:00 UTC (time converter)

16:00 – 19:00 UTC (time converter)

 *The Legal Subteam will hold a call at 22:00-23:59 UTC on Thursday, 23 April.

DAY 1: Thursday, 23 April

Session 1 – 04:00-06:00 UTC (time converter)

  1. Welcome & opening remarks (10’)
    1. Reminder of working methods
  2. Section 6.6.1 - Mechanism to empower the community (60’)
  3. Section 6.6.2 - Power: reconsider/reject budget or strategy / operating plans (25’)
  4. Section 6.6.3 - Reconsider/reject changes to ICANN bylaws (20’)
  5. Recap and next steps (5)

Session 2 – 11:00-12:00 UTC (time converter)

  1. Recap of session 1 (5’)
  2. Section 6.6.5 - Power: Recalling individual ICANN Directors (25’)
  3. Section 6.6.6 - Recall the entire Board (25’)
  4. Recap and next steps (5’)

Session 3 – 19:00-22:00 UTC (time converter)

  1. Recap of session 2 (10’)
  2. Section 6.2 - Revised Mission, Commitments & Core values (20’)
  3. Section 6.3 - Fundamental commitments & core value (20’)
  4. (Missing section so far - includes discussion on 6.6.4) - Fundamental Bylaws (20’)
  5. Section 6.4 - Independent Review Panel - (80’)
  6. Section 6.5 Reconsideration process enhancements (20’)
  7. Recap and Next Steps (5’)


DAY 2: Friday, 24 April

Session 1 - 08:00 – 10:00 UTC (time converter)

  1. Recap of day 1 (5’)
  2. Section 8 - Work stream 2 proposals (20’)
  3. Discussion of Sections 1 -> 5 (15’)
  4. Questions for public comment report (to be provided by CoChairs) (15’)
  5. Community Mechanisms (60’)
  6. Next Steps (5’)

Session 2 - 13:00 – 14:00 UTC (time converter)

  1. Recap of session 1 (5’)
  2. Section 6.7.1 - Preserving ICANN commitments from the AoC (20’)
  3. Section 6.7.2 - AoC Reviews  - 2nd reading (15’)
  4. Section 6.8 - Bylaws changes suggested by stress tests - 2nd reading (15’)
  5. Next Steps (5’)

Session 3 - 16:00 – 19:00 UTC (time converter)

  1. Recap of session 2 (5’)
  2. Outstanding stress tests - Stress tests where the contingency does not appear to be fully mitigated (20’)
    1. Including stress test 21: Government official demands rescind of a ccTLD
  3. Second reading of outstanding issues for public comment report (120’)
  4. Next Steps – Work Plan (30’)