In-Person Attendees

In-Person Attendees

In addition to regular CCWG-Accountability meetings and at the request of the Chairs, ICANN has offered to support a 2-day face-to-face meeting in Frankfurt, Germany on 19-20 January 2014

  • This meeting will take place at the Le Meridien Parkhotel in Frankfurt, Germany.
  • Suggested arrival is Sunday 18 January with departure on Tuesday 20 January in the evening (or Wednesday 21 January for intercontinental flights).
  • ICANN will offer travel support to the CCWG-Accountability members only, but the meeting will be open to anyone in the CCWG-Accountability (participants and mailing list observers) who wishes to attend in person (at their own expense).  
  • The deadline for confirmation of all in-person attendance is 7 January 2014. Members receiving ICANN funded travel/lodging must confirm attendance by 31 December 2014. 

  • Alternates will be eligible for travel funding if and only if they are a current participant of the CCWG-Accountability and approved by their SO/AC to serve as an alternate.
  • Advisors are also eligible for ICANN funding should they attend the meeting.
  • The meeting will be live through Adobe Connect and include remote participation capabilities consistent with the CCWG-Accountability meetings to date. The meeting will be recorded and transcribed
  • UPDATE (7 January): In addition to travel support for the members of the CCWG-Accountability, ICANN will offer support to the three liaisons in the CCWG: Kavouss Arasteh and Keith Drazek, who are the ICG-designated liaisons, and Avri Doria, who is the ATRT Expert. While these three liaisons are participants, they play an essential role in the work of the CCWG, representing related processes that affect, and will be affected, by the output of the CCWG. For these reasons, it is important to support their in-person attendance at the Frankfurt meeting, should they be able to attend. 

In-Person Attendees: 

listed in order confirmed


  1. Eberhard Lisse (member)
  2. Suzanne Radell (member)
  3. Wolf-Ulrich Knoben (participant)
  4. Kavouss Arasteh (participant – ICG Liaison)
  5. James Bladel (member)
  6. Steve DelBianco (member)
  7. Leon Sanchez (member)
  8. Par Brumark (member)
  9. Nicholas Lisse (observer)
  10. Giovanni Seppia (member)
  11. Mathieu Weill (member)
  12. Roelof Meijer (member)
  13. Jordan Carter (member)
  14. Sebastien Bachollet (member)
  15. Tijani Ben Jemaa (member)
  16. Alan Greenberg (member)
  17. Cheryl Langdon-Orr (member)
  18. Samantha Eisner (member)
  19. Alice Munyua (member)
  20. Thomas Rickert (member)
  21. Robin Gross (member)
  22. Athina Fragkouli (member)
  23. Olga Cavalli (member)
  24. Julia Wolman (member)
  25. Becky Burr (member)
  26. Bruce Tonkin (member)
  27. Martin Boyle (participant)
  28. Fiona Asonga (member)
  29. Keith Drazek (participant – ICG Liaison)
  30. Rafael Perez Galindo (participant)
  31. Camino Manjon-Sierra (participant)
  32. Matthew Shears (participant)
  33. Thomas Schneider (participant)
  34. Jonas Koelle (participant)
  35. Jonathan Zuck (participant)
  36. Malcolm Hutty (participant)
  37. Claudia Selli (observer)
  38. Sabine Meyer (participant)
  39. Hubert Schottner (participant)
  40. Avri Doria (participant – ATRT Expert)
  41. Maura Gambassi (participant)
  42. Rita Forsi (participant)
  43. Wolf Ludwig (participant)
  44. Mark Carvell (participant)
  45. Chris Disspain (participant)
  46. Jan Aart Scholte (Advisor)
  47. Markus Kummer (observer)
  48. Wolfgang Kleinwachter (observer)
  49. Erika Mann (observer)
  50. Phillip Grabensee (observer)
  51. Lars Erik Forsberg