CCWG Charter Drafting Team

CCWG Charter Drafting Team

The Charter typically is drafted by a Drafting Team (DT) that involves one or several of the (potential chartering) SO/ACs by reaching out to other SO/ACs to solicit their participation in the drafting team effort. However, others can be involved. Once the draft charter is completed, it is submitted by the chairs of the DT to each of the SOs and ACs potentially interested in participating in the CCWG for their consideration.

The DT mailing list is: accountability-dt@icann.org

The mailing list is publicly archived here

The CCWG charter was circulated for adoption on 3 November. Since then, the following organizations have adopted the charter: 

SO/AC November Meetings to Consider:

  • SSAC – considering via email (did not adopt)