Call #1 - 06 March 2018
Call #1 - 06 March 2018
Subgroup Members: Carlton Samuels, Thomas Walden, Alan Greenberg
ICANN Organization: Jean-Baptiste Deroulez, Alice Jansen, Lisa Phifer, Brenda Brewer, Steve Conte
Agenda: /
Audio recording: EN
Adobe Connect recording: HERE
Transcript: EN
Chat Transcript: EN
Decisions Reached:
- Not useful to assess whether it would have been useful to develop a single WHOIS policy, since that was infeasible. Instead, assess what was done to create a consolidated policy document.
- Look to GNSO RDS PDP for a future single WHOIS (RDS) policy.
Action Items:
- Carlton to write up these findings and the proposed subgroup conclusion
- ICANN org to identify members of WHOIS1 Review Team (still active at ICANN) that worked on recommendation 2
- Interview RT1 members to understand intended benefits of rec 2 and consider providing those as input to the RDS PDP