Meeting #13 - 8 December 2017
Review Team Members: Alan Greenberg, Dmitry Belyavsky, Thomas Walden, Volker Greimann, Chris Disspain, Lili Sun, Susan Kawaguchi, Stephanie Perrin
ICANN Organization: Jean-Baptiste Deroulez, Lisa Phifer, Steve Conte, Trang Nguyen, Brenda Brewer
Observers: Svitlana Tkachenko, Sara Bockey
Apologies: Cathrin Bauer-Bulst, Carlton Samuels
Audio recording: EN
Adobe Connect recording: HERE
Transcript: EN
Chat Transcript: EN
Observer Chat Transcript: EN
Decisions Reached:
Plenary call agenda:
- Review Team to hold meetings on Mondays and Fridays every two weeks. If an agenda does not require two plenary calls, one out of two will be cancelled.
- Plenary call on Monday 8 is cancelled, but time will be available if any subgroup wishing to hold a call at the time previously reserved for the plenary call.
- Any subgroup leader wishing to hold a call in that reserved time slot should contact staff no later than 9 December to schedule the subgroup call and send out a call notice.
- Upcoming plenary calls: January 5, and 8.
ICANN61 & Face-to-Face Meetings:
- Review Team will not hold a face-to-face meeting in San Juan.
- Leadership to identify need for face-to-face meeting to complete tasks planned for 1H18.
Subgroups Matrix
- New deadline to submit subgroup first pass documents: January 2, 2018
- Subgroup first pass planning documents to be posted on subgroup wiki pages.
Terms of Reference & work plan:
- Any member who does not respond with an objection by the due date is assumed to approve.
Action items:
Terms of Reference:
- "Replacement and Removal of Members": add text from operating standards: "Depending on the remaining time of a review, or any other factors, the relevant SO/AC may choose not to nominate a replacement candidate."
- On page 18, first paragraph, delete "by ICANN Organization"
- Update hyperlink to final version of Limited Scope Proposal
- Update table in Appendix 2 to remove references to Actions and green highlighted comments in right-most column
- ICANN org to send updated ToR and Work Plan to RT with a last call for edits/comments to the list.
- Alan to send the review team a call for consensus to adopt the ToR and Work Plan.
- Every RT member to respond to Alan's email no later than Tuesday 12 Dec.
Subgroups Matrix
- ICANN org to send out an email to Rec#10 subgroup pointing out that Volker will not be able to address the issue until mid-January. Susan volunteering to join the subgroup. ICANN org to update matrix.
1. Welcome, roll-call, SoI updates
2. Terms of Reference and work plan
3. Subgroup kick-off & next steps
4. ICANN61 Scheduling
5. A.O.B.
Call Details 13:30-15:00 UTC (timezone converter here) Interested in listening to the discussion? Go to Learn more about how you can observe RDS-WHOIS2-RT meetings - see here. |