SSR2 Plenary #130 - 3 December 2020
Review Team Members: Alain Aina, Danko Jevtović, Eric Osterweil, KC Claffy, Kaveh Ranjbar, Kerry-Ann Barrett, Laurin Weissinger, Ram Krishna Pariyar, Norm Ritchie, Russ Housley, Scott McCormick
Observers: Dennis Ten
ICANN Organization: Brenda Brewer, Jean-Baptiste Deroulez, Larisa Gurnick, Pamela Smith. Steve Conte
Technical Writer: Heather Flanagan
Apologies: Boban Krsic, Jennifer Bryce
Audio recording: EN (1.03:00)
Zoom recording: HERE
Transcript: EN
Zoom Chat Transcript: EN
Plenary Call Report: PDF
Decisions Reached: /
Action Items:
- At the end of the first rationale paragraph for recommendation 1, replace “for example” with “in side conversations with team members”
Heather to update the second bullet point of the recommendation 23 rationale to reflect that, using the CCT metrics, the program has been successful.
Heather to make the adjustments to the table content as discussed on the plenary call today.
Kerry-Ann and K C to augment the four suggestions or add a fifth suggestion on how to improve process for future review teams in the “suggestion” section.
- Review team to read the updated section and submit comments on the mailing list
ICANN org to change next week’s plenary back to a a one hour call, and make the December 17th plenary meeting a two hour call for a read through the report.
Add to next week’s plenary meeting agenda the following item: Review any issues that Heather found in preparing the final report
- Welcome, roll call, SOI updates
- SSR1 Appendix | LINK | ‘Findings Related to SSR1 Recommendations’: Resolve Heather’s outstanding questions
- SMART Criteria - Global DNS Section | LINK | Dates needed for some recommendations
- Abuse Subteam | REDLINE VERSION – CLEAN VERSION | Review of latest edits
- A.O.B.
- Confirm action items, decisions reached
Call Details: 15:00 - 16:00 UTC (time zone support here) Interested in listening to the discussion? Send request to for meeting link. Learn more about how you can observe SSR2 meetings - see here. |