SSR2 Plenary #130 - 3 December 2020

SSR2 Plenary #130 - 3 December 2020


Review Team Members:  Alain Aina, Danko Jevtović, Eric Osterweil, KC Claffy, Kaveh Ranjbar, Kerry-Ann Barrett, Laurin Weissinger, Ram Krishna Pariyar, Norm Ritchie, Russ Housley, Scott McCormick

Observers: Dennis Ten

ICANN Organization:  Brenda Brewer, Jean-Baptiste Deroulez, Larisa Gurnick, Pamela Smith. Steve Conte

Technical Writer:  Heather Flanagan

Apologies:  Boban Krsic, Jennifer Bryce

Audio recording:  EN   (1.03:00)

Zoom recording:  HERE

Transcript:  EN

Zoom Chat Transcript:  EN


Plenary Call Report: PDF

Decisions Reached: /

Action Items:

  • At the end of the first rationale paragraph for recommendation 1, replace “for example” with “in side conversations with team members
  • Heather to update the second bullet point of the recommendation 23 rationale to reflect that, using the CCT metrics, the program has been successful.

  • Heather to make the adjustments to the table content as discussed on the plenary call today.

  • Kerry-Ann and K C to augment the four suggestions or add a fifth suggestion on how to improve process for future review teams in the “suggestion” section.

  • Review team to read the updated section and submit comments on the mailing list
  • ICANN org to change next week’s plenary back to a a one hour call, and make the December 17th plenary meeting a two hour call for a read through the report.

  • Add to next week’s plenary meeting agenda the following item: Review any issues that Heather found in preparing the final report




  1. Welcome, roll call, SOI updates
  2. SSR1 Appendix | LINK | ‘Findings Related to SSR1 Recommendations’: Resolve Heather’s outstanding questions
  3. SMART Criteria - Global DNS Section | LINK | Dates needed for some recommendations
  4. Abuse Subteam | REDLINE VERSIONCLEAN VERSION | Review of latest edits
  5. A.O.B.
  6. Confirm action items, decisions reached

Call Details:  15:00 - 16:00 UTC (time zone support here)

Interested in listening to the discussion? Send request to mssi-secretariat@icann.org for meeting link.

Learn more about how you can observe SSR2 meetings - see here.