SSR2 Plenary #102 - 26 February 2020
Review Team Members: Alain Aina, Danko Jevtovic, Denise Michel, Kaveh Ranjbar, Kerry-Ann Barrett, KC Claffy, Jabhera Matogoro, Laurin Weissinger, Naveed Bin Rais, Norm Ritchie, Ram Krishna Pariyar, Russ Housley, Zarko Kecic
Observers: /
ICANN Organization: Jennifer Bryce, Steve Conte, Brenda Brewer
Technical Writer: /
Apologies: Boban Krsic, Heather Flanagan
Audio recording: EN (53:57)
Zoom recording: HERE
Transcript: EN
Zoom Chat Transcript: EN
Plenary Call Report: PDF
Decisions Reached:
- Team agreed to pick a potential face-to-face meeting date ahead of agreeing to a date for an extension to the public comment period.
Action Items:
- Brenda to update the availability Doodle poll to include the first two weeks in May.
- Brenda to cancel the 5th and 6th March all-day face-to-face meetings and send an invite for 6th March at 15:00 – 18:00 UTC.
Team members to review the CCT prioritization approach (page 2) to factor this into the prioritization discussion on the next SSR2 call.
With regard to SSR2 recommendation 3.3, staff to confirm with ICANN Legal whether ICANN is allowed to publish a case of breach at a contracted party.
- Welcome, roll call, SOI updates
- Face-to-face and remote meeting planning
- Public comment on the draft report - team members to share input and feedback with regard to if their respective groups are planning to submit a comment;
- Begin review of team member comments in markup of draft report for public comment
- Confirm action items, decisions reached
Call Details 15:00 - 16:00 UTC (timezone converter here) Interested in listening to the discussion? Send request to for meeting link. Learn more about how you can observe SSR2 meetings - see here. |