Meeting #32 - 17 December 2018
Leadership Members: Eric Osterweil, Denise Michel, Russ Housley, Laurin Weissinger
ICANN Organization: Jennifer Bryce, Brenda Brewer
Apologies: /
- Welcome, roll call, SOI updates
- January face-to-face meeting – RT members should now have received welcome email from ICANN travel
- Work plan – review sections that staff highlighted – ok to update and share with RT?
- Participation and milestones Fact Sheets – review and ok to post to wiki?
- Set Thursday 20 December plenary meeting agenda
- Confirm action items / decisions reached
AC Chat: N/A
Action Items:
- Staff to resend calendar invites to Denise and ask travel team to check that they have the right email address for her.
- Staff to send a reminder to team members to respond to ICANN travel welcome email before Friday if possible and book flights ASAP.
- Staff to research options for a team dinner in LA on either Friday or Saturday night 25/26 January.
- Staff to edit the work plan based on comments on leadership meeting and circulate to the review team ahead of the plenary call and add agenda item for review team to approve on Thursday for posting to the wiki.
- Denise to draft paragraph for Workstream 5 for final report and share with the plenary team.
- Denise will send her comments and questions to the list regarding the Fact Sheet.
- Staff to recirculate the draft report template (discussed in November) to leadership list for final edits - Denise is penholder.
- Russ to send KC a note regarding her email to the list, for clarification.
- Staff to double-check participation fact sheet for accuracy and update according to comments on the leadership call.
- Staff to draft a note for leadership team to be sent to individual members as appropriate regarding participatio
- Staff to remind team members of the call calendar for the coming weeks.
- F2F meeting in 2019 after Kobe - add to first leadership meeting in 2019 and January f2f meeting.