SSR2 Plenary #52 - 29 November 2018

SSR2 Plenary #52 - 29 November 2018


Review Team Members:  Ram Krishna Pariyar, Jabera Matogoro, Eric Osterweil, Kaveh Ranjbar, Laurin Weissinger, Russ Housley, Denise Michel, Scott McCormick, Norm Ritchie, Žarko Kecic, KC Claffy

Observers:  Alexander Chilikov

ICANN Organization:  Negar Farzinnia, Brenda Brewer

Apologies:  Jennifer Bryce, Laurin Weissinger, Boban Krsic, Kerry-Ann Barrett

Audio recording:  N/A due to technical issue

AC recording:  HERE

Transcript:  EN

Chat Transcript:  EN

Observer Chat Transcript: N/A

Documents:  PDF

Plenary Call Report: PDF

Decisions Reached:  /

Action Items:

- Laurin to modify the SSR1 methodology document based on the discussion in the plenary call.

- Russ to send out the SSR1 methodology document to the RT mailing list for RT approval.

- Staff to send hold-calendar invites to the RT for the March meeting in Kobe. 

- Rapporteurs of other work streams (other than SSR1) to produce a draft methodology and distribute to the review team mailing list for feedback. 


  1. Welcome, roll call, SOI updates
  2. Discuss the upcoming f2f meetings of the RT in January (Vancouver or LA) and in March (Kobe). 
  3. Review the methodology document and agree on approach for SSR1 Implementation evaluation
  4. Prepare methodology document for each scope item
  5. AOB
  6. Confirm action items/decisions reached

Call Details

15:00 - 16:00 UTC (timezone converter here)

Interested in listening to the discussion? Go to https://participate.icann.org/ssrreview-observers

Learn more about how you can observe SSR2 meetings - see here.