5 November 2018

5 November 2018


Leadership Members:   Eric Osterweil, Laurin Weissinger, Denise Michel

ICANN Organization:   Steve Conte, Brenda Brewer, Jennifer Bryce

Apologies:    Russ Housley


  1. Welcome, roll call, SOI updates 
  2. Blog – determine timeline for feedback and posting
  3. Work plan – follow up with Naveed and team?
  4. ICANN SSR questions from team – confirm next steps
  5. Scheduling items:
    1. Confirm Thanksgiving plenary meeting to be cancelled? (22 November)
    2. Revisit time of plenary meeting per daylight savings?
  6. Set agenda for Thursday plenary meeting
  7. AOB
  8. Confirm action items / decisions reached

Documents:  PDF


AC Chat: EN

Action Items:

- Leadership team to provide edits to the blog by COB today.

- Staff to share with RT for FYI first thing tomorrow and schedule for posting this week.

- Laurin to email Naveed to find out work plan progress

- Staff to draft note for Board/SO/AC Chairs to let them know the work plan is adopted and point them to the location of work plan. Share draft with leadership ASAP.

- Staff to continue to pursue answers to the ICANN SSR questions outstanding from LA meeting.

- Staff to cancel 22 November plenary call.

- Staff to notify team that we are updating the calendar invite 

- Laurin to send note to Boban & KC to ask if they can address ICANN SSR or DNS SSR workstream on the call.

- Staff to re-circulate the work stream report template ahead of call incorporating red line edits.