7 July 2017

7 July 2017


Leadership Members:  Denise Michel, Eric Osterweil

ICANN Organization:  Jennifer Bryce, Karen Mulberry, Yvette Guigneaux, Bernard Turcotte



  1. Johannesburg meeting – thoughts & feedback
  2. Update on SSR1 briefing schedule
  3. Review priority outstanding action items:
    1. Post note on list regarding cancellation of the 06:00 SSR2-RT Plenary call rotation slot (Co-Chairs)
    2. Review January face-to-face meeting dates Doodle poll (ICANN Org, Co-Chairs)
    3. Establish staff support requirements and availability to support SSR2-RT subgroups (ICANN Org, Co-Chairs)
  4. Review proposed agenda for July 11 plenary call
  5. AOB

Documents:  PDF


AC Chat:  /

Action Items: