SSR2 Meeting #48 - 21 Oct and 24 Oct 2018 - Face-to-Face Meeting at ICANN63 | Barcelona

SSR2 Meeting #48 - 21 Oct and 24 Oct 2018 - Face-to-Face Meeting at ICANN63 | Barcelona

Attendees, Recordings & Transcripts 

Day 1 - Sunday, 21 October, 9:00 - 16:30 CEST
7:00 - 14:30 UTC | [time zone converter]   


Team:   Alain Aina, Boban Krsic, Kimberly KC Claffy, Denise Michel, Eric Osterweil, Norm Ritchie, Ramkrishna Pariyar, Rao Naveed Bin Rais, Russ Housley, Scott McCormick, Žarko Kecic  

ICANN Organization:  Jennifer Bryce,  Negar Farzinnia, Charla Shambley

Observers:  Ruveni Waqanigoa, Mirjana Tasić, Alexander Chilikov, Mark McFadden, Huihui Chen

Apologies:  Kerry-Ann Barrett, Laurin Weissinger, Jabhera Matogoro


TRANSCRIPT:  EN (full day)



Decisions Reached:  

Action Items: 

  • ACTION ITEM: Staff to update and finalize Engagement Session slides based on RT comments (COMPLETE)
  • ACTION ITEM: Staff to re-circulate to list any questions requiring clarification from RT and continue to pursue answers to outstanding questions/update delivery dates as required.
  • ACTION ITEM: Scott to send question regarding recommendation 15 to staff via email (COMPLETE)
  • ACTION ITEM: Review Team members to complete text in Google doc for each SSR1 recommendation ahead of Wednesday 24 October meeting (COMPLETE)
  • ACTION ITEM: Staff to update Wednesday 24 October meeting agenda and circulate to RT along with background materials (COMPLETE) 

Day 2 - Wednesday, 24 October 9:00 - 16:30 CEST
07:00 - 14:30 UTC | [time zone converter]   


Team:   Alain Aina, Boban Krsic, Denise Michel, Eric Osterweil, Jabhera Matogoro, Laurin Weissinger, Norm Ritchie, Ram Krishna Pariyar, Rao Naveed Bin Rais, Russ Housley, Scott McCormick, Žarko Kecic 

Guests:  Jonathan Zuck, Drew Bagley, David Taylor, Calvin Browne, Jean-Baptiste Deroulez

ICANN Organization:   Jennifer Bryce, Negar Farzinnia, Charla Shambley, Brenda Brewer



TRANSCRIPTS:  AM Session  |  PM Session



Decisions Reached:  /

Action Items: 

  • ACTION ITEM: Staff to provide all RT members with access to Trello and remove RT members who have resigned (COMPLETE).
  • ACTION ITEM: Staff to circulate CCT briefing slides to the SSR2 RT (COMPLETE).
  • ACTION ITEM: KC, Eric and any other volunteers to work on moving topics from DNS SSR topics document to SSR2 work steam topics document.
  • ACTION ITEM: Review Team to determine next steps for work stream 4 (future challenges). Team discussed including moving relevant topics to other work streams, or shortening the list of items to address and rebranding the work steam.
  • ACTION ITEM: Staff to research options for RT to book-end the ICANN64 meeting in Kobe with face-to-face meetings.
  • ACTION ITEM: Staff to research options for the RT to have a face-to-face meeting in late January or February 2019, and circulate a Doodle poll to RT with options.
  • ACTION ITEM: Staff to update work plan based on RT notes in the Google sheet and circulate to RT.
  • ACTION ITEM: Staff to create first draft of SSR2 post-ICANN63 blog and share with leadership for initial edits.
  • ACTION ITEM: Staff to send a note to the Review Team notifying them to the end of daylight savings time and impact on call time. Review Team members to advise any objections to keeping the call at 14:00 UTC by Friday 26 October EOD (COMPLETE).

Meeting Agenda

Reading List

21 October:

24 October: 


Event Location:  Centre de Convencions Internacional de Barcelona (CCIB)

Address: Willy Brandt Square 11-14, 08019 Barcelona, Spain

Venue Telephone: +507 380 1111

Meeting Website: https://meetings.icann.org/en/barcelona63