Hank Kilmer | C Root
Hank Kilmer | C Root
Name: Hank Kilmer
I am willing to work on documents related to root name server operations and operational requirements. My personal goals for RSSAC work products are relevance, timeliness, and professionalism.
Indication of availability, not a formal commitment:
I can work on RSSAC documents for about 7 hours per month in addition to the time I spend for formal RSSAC business.
About me:
Relevant Qualifications:
- DNS operator since the 1990s.
- Responsible for operation of c-root 2011-present.
- Governance experience at board and executive levels.
- Internet engineering and management experience at all levels for 20+ years.
Formal roles and interests in the work area of RSSAC:
- Responsible for c-root..
- Member of RSSAC.