Paul Vixie | C Root

Paul Vixie | C Root

Name: Paul Vixie



I am willing to work on documents related to root name server operations and operational requirements as well as anything related to outreach. My personal goals for RSSAC work products are relevance, timeliness, and professionalism.


Indication of availability, not a formal commitment:

I can work on RSSAC documents for about 7 hours per month in addition to the time I spend for formal RSSAC business.


About me:



Relevant Qualifications:

  • DNS operator since the 1980s.
  • Responsible for operation of f-root 1996-2013.
  • Advisor on operation of c-root 1997-present.
  • Architect and primary author of BIND8.
  • Designer and principal implementor of dnscap.
  • Co-author of RFC2010: "Root Name Server Operational Requirements"
  • Governance experience at board and executive levels.
  • Participant in RSSAC and SSAC from their inception.


Formal roles and interests in the work area of RSSAC:

  • Advisor to Cogent for c-root..
  • Member of RSSAC.