Additional Data Related to TMCH Sunrise & Trademark Claims Review

Additional Data Related to TMCH Sunrise & Trademark Claims Review


  • WG members may suggest additional data to the Sunrise and Claims sub teams that may either: (1) yield useful data we do not currently have, or (2) be other specific, evidence-based information that, in either case, can help shed light on the agreed Charter questions for Sunrise and/or Claims. 
  • Examples of additional data: 
    • articles about the registration of domains in Sunrise Periods (or attempts) that appear to have had an impact on contracted parties, registrants, or brand owners; 
    • anecdotes or specific evidence from impacted parties; or 
    • studies, reports, or articles discussing the harm of infringement including cybersquatting (including consumer harm). 
  • Any additional data a member wishes to provide should: 
    • highlight what specific information (i.e. new data or evidence-based conclusion) it is being cited for; 
    • include a rationale for why and how that specific information is relevant and in respect of which particular agreed question; and 
    • optionally suggest a solution and/or idea for how to address the topic. 
  • WG members may submit additional data beginning Monday, 28 January through close of business Friday, 08 February. 
  • Additional data should be submitted via the designated Google Form (https://goo.gl/forms/84YtaNDH2Mx3SQVH3) during the period designated above. If you have issue accessing the online form, please contact ariel.liang@icann.org to request assistance; a .doc version of form will be provided upon request. Additional data not submitted using the required form or during the submission period will not be considered. 
  • Sub Teams will review the additional data to determine whether it is useful in answering the agreed Charter questions.


Submitted additional data can be accessed here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/13cFaDug4DKMyajz_t1hunV6U4MSiyFFWbWBNGD4ppN0/edit?usp=sharing 

Please note: 

  • Christine Farley emailed the additional source as a PDF document directly to Staff (Ariel Liang). The document can be found here: ICANN Trademark Claims Notice- WCL.pdf (line no.15 on the google spreadsheet)
