2017-04-14 Sub Team for Sunrise Registrations
2017-04-14 Sub Team for Sunrise Registrations
The call for the Review of all Rights Protection Mechanisms (RPMs) Sub Team for Sunrise Registrations is scheduled for Friday, 14 April 2017 at 14:00 UTC for 60 minute duration.
07:00 PDT, 10:00 EDT, 15:00 London 16:00 CET
For other times: http://tinyurl.com/mvw7qwp
- Roll call and updates to SOIs.
- Selection of Sub Team leadership
- Begin refinement of Charter questions for Sunrise Registrations (attached):
Specifically, identify the following:
- What questions can be consolidated?
- What questions, if any, may need to be clarified, and how?
- What questions, if any, should be deleted (e.g. because they are duplicates or because they have been discussed or resolved by the Working Group)?
- What, if any, data might be needed to address any question fully? Are there existing or identifiable sources from which that data can be requested?
- What gaps (if any) exist that are not addressed by the existing questions; if one is identified, what is the question that needs to be answered?
4. Next Steps/Next Meeting
Sunrise Claims General Charter Questions
Apology: Kiran Malancharuvil
Action Items and Notes:
Action Items:
- Staff to compile information on context/origin of each question by the next Sub Team call (e.g. how much support for a particular question in the past, or was it one suggestion)
- Sub Team agreed to "bunch" similar questions together (but not necessarily redrafting - see notes on adding footnotes to facilitate clarity)
- Staff/Sub Team Leadership to set up a Google Doc for first pass of consolidation of questions - second pass for refinement of questions
- Sub Team members have 5 days (Wednesday, 19 April) to send suggestions to the mailing list, to be captured by staff in the Google Doc, and circulated to the Sub Team by Friday, 21 April.
- Lori Schulman selected as Sub Team Chair
- Discussion on Charter questions for Sunrise Registrations
- What questions can be consolidated/refined?
- Are premium names relevant to this Sub Team or even the Working Group? Premium names not considered RPMs
- From AC Chat: I think the issue for premium names is around setting of pricing which effectively circumvents the sunrise and how do you address that as a brand owner if you have no route of objection
- If pricing of premium names is interfering with the ability to use RPMs (such as trademark holders registrations during sunrise), might be within scope of the working group to discuss
- Pricing during sunrise makes the benefits of sunrise economically difficult for trademark holders to take advantage of
- Sub Team can go through questions - refine so that they make sense - use liaisons to new gTLD sub pro PDP to coordinate how they are addressed
- Instead of redrafting questions, bucket questions together including those that may be similar or identical
- Investigate instances when premium names interfere with sunrise registrations to determine the extent to which it may actually be problematic
- From AC Chat: Brand owners are not the only party with "special rights" in accordance to Sunrise, GEO TLDs need to deliver domains for public services/streets/monuments e.t.c. to the Municipal Entity of the City... for example
- Adding context to questions may be helpful in addressing them (suggestion by staff - staff can investigate origins of questions being considered) - contextual information could be to determine/clarify if questions address longstanding problems identified by the community vs a question that came up once, and was included
- From AC Chat: I'm not sure it makes sense to research where a Charter question came from. What's more relevant is the level of interest it merits within the WG
- Add notes/footnotes to questions that may be redundant or where meaning is not clear for clarification - as alternative to redrafting
- ACTION ITEM: Sub Team members to review questions for redundancy, and make suggestions on-list (use Google Docs)
- Preference expressed to hold next Sub Team call next Friday at UTC 14:00 (60 minutes with ability to extend to 90 minutes) to give Sub Team enough time to consolidate/refine questions - ACTION ITEM: Confirm next call day/time on-list
ACTION ITEM: Aim for Wednesday for initial comments on question, so that staff can prepare and circulate document before Friday