Service Level on WHOIS
ISSUE: C.2 |
Service Level on WHOIS |
Priority: |
RAA Final Report (High Priority Item) |
Issue/Request |
Registrar will meet or exceed the requirements of a service level agreement (SLA) announced by ICANN with regards to access to WHOIS information published through Port 43, that addresses the following features: (i) minimum uptime levels for WHOIS servers, (ii) acceptable query limitations and/or IP blocking restrictions, and (ii) minimum data updates frequency. Registrar will monitor compliance of the ICANN SLA requirements on a monthly basis, and will correct any violations of the WHOIS SLA identified by Registrar or by others within thirty (30) days of notice thereof. Failure to satisfy the WHOIS SLA during two consecutive months during any 12 month period may result in notice of SLA violation posted on ICANN’s website, or other appropriate ICANN compliance action under the RAA. Registrar shall cooperate with ICANN, as requested, to develop the parameters to be included in the WHOIS SLA. |
Source: |
Notes |
Additional information regarding requests: |
Discussion Points |
Date Discussed |
SLA on WHOIS along the lines set out in the LEA Code would be acceptable to Registrars. |
18 Nov 2011 |
Proposed Text |
Open |
Status/Outcome |
Under Discussion |
Explanation |
Open |
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