RAA Negotiation Topics

RAA Negotiation Topics

The following RAA amendment topics have been discussed during the RAA negotiations:

A. Registrar Obligations/Duties

A.1       Malicious conduct – registrar duty to investigate

A.1.a    Prohibition of certain illegal, criminal or malicious conduct

A.1.b    Registrar obligations to collect, securely maintain and validate data

A.2       Designation and publication of technically competent point of contact on malicious conduct issues available 24/7 basis

A.3       Require greater disclosure of registrar contact information, information on form of business organization, officers, etc.

A.4       Require greater disclosure of registrar affiliates/multiple accreditations

A.5       Prohibition on registrar cybersquatting

A.6       Clarification of registrar responsibilities in connection with UDRP proceedings

A.7       Require registrars to report data breaches

A.8       Registrar responsibilities for acts of affiliates

A.9       Staff to draft registrar code of conduct if registrars fail to do so by certain time

A.10     Prohibit domain name warehousing and self-dealing by registrars

A.11     Clarification of language prohibiting registrars from contracting with themselves

A.12     Prohibition of activities raising concerns due to cross-ownership

B. Privacy & Proxy Services/Resellers

B.1       Obligations of privacy/proxy services made available in connection with registration re data escrow; Relay function; Reveal function

B.2       Registrar responsibility for cancellation under appropriate circumstances of registrations made by other privacy/proxy services for noncompliance

B.3       Define “reseller” and clarify registrar responsibility for reseller compliance

B.4       Registrar disclosure of privacy/proxy services made available in connection with registration; and responsibility of registrar compliance by such services

B.5      Registrars to disclose resellers and vice-versa

B.6      Clarification regarding “if” registrar enters into reseller agreement


C.1       Require PCI compliance in registration process

C.2       Service Level Agreement on Whois availability

C.3       Define circumstances under which registrar is required to cancel registration for false Whois data

C.4       Spell out “verification” process registrars are required to undertake after receiving report of false Whois data

C.5       Require links to Whois Data Problem Reporting System on Whois results pages and on registrar home page

D. Contract Administration

D.1       Expand scope of authority to terminate accreditation

D.3       Streamline process of adding new gTLDs to accreditation

D.4       Review of registrar’s compliance record prior to RAA renewal

D.5       Registrar annual self-certification

D.6       Standardize "Consensus Policy" RAA language

D.7       Revised process for future RAA amendments


“LEA” – Law Enforcement Agencies
“RAA-DT” – Refers to the RAA Drafting Team which compiled the Final Report on improvements to the RAA 

Please refer to the specific WIKI page dedicated to each issue for information on each amendment topic.

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