26 November 2014
26 November 2014
The next Policy and Implementation Working Group teleconference is scheduled for Wednesday 26 November 2014 at 20:00 UTC for 60 mins (12:00 PST, 15:00 EST, 20:00 London, 21:00 CET).
For other places see: http://tinyurl.com/oo2w3mf
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Proposed Agenda – Policy & Implementation Working Group Meeting – 26 November 2014 – 20.00 UTC
- Roll Call / SOI
- Finalize draft IRT Operating Principles (attached; revised based on discussions and suggestions from last week)
- Continue review and discussion of questions identified to address charter questions 3, 4 and 5 (see added questions derived from IRT review chart in blue and additional staff notes highlighted in yellow and included in parenthesis):
- GNSO Implementation Review Team
- Currently optional, should this be mandatory (charter question 5); [STAFF NOTE: this has been discussed fairly thoroughly; crossing out for now to facilitate discussion of remaining questions]
- How is the IRT expected to operate, what is its decision-making methodology, (charter question 5); [STAFF NOTE: this question is closely linked to Agenda Item #2, so it is expected that much will have been covered in that discussion]
- What additional mechanisms, if any, should be foreseen for implementation related discussions (beyond those that take place with the IRT); How should feedback via public comments on proposed policy language be handled where attempts to changes the consensus recommendation are evident? (charter question 3); [STAFF NOTE: to be picked up from where discussions ended here last week]
- How is feedback as well as the flagging of potential issues to the GNSO Council by the IRT managed, what mechanism should be used to to formally 'object' (should there a way to first address this in the IRT or is there an immediate need to escalate to GNSO Council)? (charter question 4 & 5)
- Composition - How to balance the need between expert input / participation and ensuring that participants are familiar with the original policy recommendations and PDP WG deliberations?, What is the appropriate level of knowledge for participation in an IRT? (charter question 5)
- Could/should an IRT or implementation effort proceed if even after outreach there are not sufficient qualified volunteers to ensure that key affected parties are participating? (charter Question 5)
- Implementation project plan
- Determine if/how/when the IRT is involved and how consultations with staff should take place, if specific guidance is deemed necessary (Charter Question 3)
- How to maintain continuity in the issue even if the development of the implementation plan takes longer than originally anticipated? (charter question 3)
- GNSO Council [STAFF NOTE: some of this is expected to be covered by the forthcoming discussion on the draft manuals pertaining to the Guidance, Expedited PDP and Input Processes]
- What process(es) is (are) to be used for addressing implementation / policy issues raised by the IRT (charter question 4)
- What role does the Board play, if any, in addressing implementation concerns from the GNSO Council (charter question 3 & 4)
4. Next steps / confirm next meeting
Documents for Review: