29 October 2014
29 October 2014
The Policy and Implementation Working Group teleconference of Wednesday 29 October 2014 at 19:00 UTC for 60 mins 12:00 PDT, 15:00 EDT, 20:00 London, 21:00 CET
For other places see: http://tinyurl.com/kazqpof
Adobe Connect WITH AUDIO enabled:
- Roll call / SOI
- Reflect on input received and discussions during ICANN meeting in Los Angeles
- Discuss approach and order for tackling questions identified to address charter questions 3, 4 and 5 (see implementation process graphic attached):
- GNSO Implementation Review Team
- Currently optional, should this be mandatory (charter question 5);
- How is the IRT expected to operate, what is its decision-making methodology (charter question 5);
- What additional mechanisms, if any, should be foreseen for implementation related discussions (beyond those that take place with the IRT) (charter question 3);
- How is feedback as well as the flagging of potential issues to the GNSO Council by the IRT managed (charter question 4 & 5)
- Implementation project plan
- Determine if/how/when the IRT is involved and how consultations with staff should take place, if specific guidance is deemed necessary (Charter Question 3)
- GNSO Council
- What process(es) is (are) to be used for addressing implementation / policy issues raised by the IRT (charter question 4)
- What role does the Board play, if any, in addressing implementation concerns from the GNSO Council (charter question 3 & 4)
- Review Implementation Review Team Review Chart (to be circulated)
4. Confirm next steps / next meeting
Documents for Review: