19 February 2014
19 February 2014
The next Policy and Implementation Working Group teleconference is scheduled for Wednesday 19 February 2014 at 20.00 UTC for 1,5 hrs.
12:00 PST, 15:00 EST, 20:00 London, 21:00 CET for other places see: http://tinyurl.com/lp9jq22
Adobe Connect WITH AUDIO enabled: http://icann.adobeconnect.com/policy-implementation/
Proposed Agenda:
- Roll Call / SOI
- Review revised working definitions as proposed by definitions sub-team (see latest version attached)
- Status update on input received from and outreach to SO/AC/SG/C
- Status update from working principles sub-team
- Planning for WG F2F meeting at the ICANN meeting in Singapore
- Next steps & confirm next meeting
For review: