FAIIP* - Categorizations

FAIIP* - Categorizations

*Feasibility Assessment & Initial Implementation Plan

#RecommendationCategory (as defined by the IPT)
1Formalize a job description for NomCom members that emphasizes diversity and independence, and provide that description to the SOs/ACs.NomCom Skills & Training
2Implement and formalize training to further NomCom members’ understanding of the roles and responsibilities of Board directors and the practices of high-performing Boards at other nonprofit organizations.NomCom Skills & Training
3Implement and formalize training for NomCom leadership to further their understanding of their roles, authority, and responsibilities, and confirm or appoint the next Chair earlier in the cycle.

NomCom Skills & Training

4Formalize training for NomCom members in the candidate evaluation process.NomCom Skills & Training
5A professional recruiting consultant should continue to be involved in the role of identifying potential Board candidates. The role of the recruiting consultant should be clarified and published.Recruitment of NomCom Nominees
6A professional evaluation consultant should continue to be involved in the evaluation process for Board candidates. The role of the evaluation consultant should be clarified and published.Evaluation
7NomCom members, except for leadership positions, should serve two-year terms, and be limited to a maximum of two terms.Charter
8Maintain the current size of NomCom.


9All NomCom members should be fully participating and voting members, except for NomCom leadership.Charter
10Representation on the NomCom should be re-balanced immediately and then be reviewed every five years.Charter
11The senior staff member supporting NomCom should be accountable to and report to the office of the CEO.Charter
12NomCom leadership should have input on the NomCom budget and staffing resources.Communications between NomCom and Community/Board 
13Publish a “Process Diagram” and codify key elements of the NomCom process. Each year, the NomCom should be required to highlight and explain process changes to the ICANN community in an open session.Evaluation
14Formalize communication between the NomCom and the Board, SOs/ACs, and the PTI Board in order to understand needed competencies and experience.Communications between NomCom and Community/Board
15The NomCom should publish detailed job descriptions for Board, SO/AC, and PTI Board positions. The job descriptions, in combination with specific needed competencies identified each year by the NomCom, should form the basis for recruiting and evaluation efforts.Communications between NomCom and Community/Board
16Implement and codify a system for providing feedback to the NomCom regarding the contributions and participation of members up for reappointment by the NomCom.Communications between NomCom and Community/Board
17Maintain current diversity requirements for NomCom appointees.Charter
18Publish a candidate communication schedule and codify a communication process with candidates.Recruitment of NomCom Nominees
19ICANN staff and the recruiting consultant, along with NomCom members, should leverage the detailed job description and desired competencies and experience to develop a marketing plan to better target prospective candidates.Recruitment of NomCom Nominees
20The evaluation consultant should undertake a preliminary screen of all Board candidates and provide blinded assessments to the NomCom to assist the NomCom with reducing the pool of candidates to the deep-dive shortlist.Evaluation
21The NomCom should use a standardized tool to evaluate and prioritize candidates, based on desired competencies and experience as determined annually. This tool will not replace qualitative assessments of candidates.Evaluation

The NomCom should provide consistent interview questions and an interviewer evaluation form for the candidates interviewed during the deepdive phase and the final face-to-face interviews.

23The NomCom should publish additional data on the candidate pool and the recruiting source of candidates.Recruitment of NomCom Nominees
24An empowered body of current and former NomCom members should be formed to ensure greater continuity across NomComs, and in particular, to suggest and assist in implementing changes to NomCom processes.Communications between NomCom and Community/Board
25Inform assessments of the NomCom by assessing the performance of the Board.Communications between NomCom and Community/Board
26ICANN should investigate advancing its nominations process into a Leadership Development function.Recruitment of NomCom Nominees
27Provide clarity on desire for independent directors and designate three specific seats for “Independent Directors.”Communications between NomCom and Community/Board

In July 2018, to come to agreement on the final categorizations, the IPT used this document:

                       Proposed Categorizations spreadsheet (Google Sheet link) (MS-Excel spreadsheet)