NomCom Skills & Training - FAIIP Category
Link to IPT Google Drive (please contact Lars Hoffmann for access)
Link to July survey result (PDF)
Link to survey summary (PDF)
Link to Public comments to draft final report
Rec # | Issue | Recommendation |
1 | The NomCom is generally seen as performing its role effectively, but there is room to improve the functioning of the NomCom. The extent to which NomCom members are independent and prioritize the interests of the global Internet community in their decision-making is an area of concern within ICANN. The NomCom itself is not seen as sufficiently diverse, particularly with respect to gender. | Formalize a job description for NomCom members that emphasizes diversity and independence, and provide that description to the SOs/ACs. |
2 | NomCom members have significant technical and policy-related experience in their fields but do not always fully understand the role of Board members and the skills and attributes needed to be a successful Board member at ICANN. | Implement and formalize training to further NomCom members’ understanding of the roles and responsibilities of Board directors and the practices of high-performing Boards at other nonprofit organizations. |
3 | The leadership structure of the NomCom generally works well, although the effectiveness of the NomCom depends heavily on the effectiveness of the Chair. | Implement and formalize training for NomCom leadership to further their understanding of their roles, authority, and responsibilities, and confirm or appoint the next Chair earlier in the cycle. |
4 | •NomCom members have exerted, and continue to exert, tremendous effort and time to the activities of the committee. On average, NomCom members lack substantive recruiting and selection experience for an organization the size and complexity of ICANN. | Formalize training for NomCom members in the candidate evaluation process. |