Maryam Bakoshi
Duties and Responsibilities of the Executive Committee (EC)
- Conduct Elections. In accordance with the provisions in Section 8.0 the EC shall:
- Direct the Membership Committee Chair to announce a call for candidate nominations at least sixty (60) days prior to an election and establish a list of the Members eligible to vote in such election including their status/vote allocation;
- Establish and oversee a secure, confidential, and accurate balloting procedure;
- Obtain from the Membership Committee Chair the names of candidates for each office to be elected or obtain from the Policy Development Committee Chair the title of the policy issue for vote;
- Collect and post on the NPOC website a statement of qualifications and intentions of all candidates or policy issues on the ballot;
- Create and provide ballots to each Constituency Member designated representative eligible to vote at least thirty (30) days prior to the close of voting for such election;
- Supervise the vote count for accuracy and ensure that members are notified of the results in a timely and transparent manner.
- Manage Funding and Expenditures. The EC shall:
- Obtain and monitor NPOC funding from ICANN, individuals and organizations that are not Members, and other sources;
- Approve a budget proposed by the Secretariat at least annually and approve reports on expenditures at the end of each budget period; and
- Keep records and make such accountings as are necessary to satisfy the requirements of any funding source or grant.
- Make Appointments. The EC shall appoint or recommend NPOC members as candidates, upon request, to serve on, or as liaison with, other ICANN structures, including the ICANN Nominating Committee if so requested by the NCSG Executive Committee.
- Establish Additional Committees and Working Groups. The EC may propose to the Constituency Members requests to establish additional temporary or permanent committees or working groups. Such requests may originate from within the EC itself or from any Constituency Member. The EC shall post such a request on the NPOC website.
The request shall:- Explain the need for and intended purpose of such entity;
- Propose committee formation criteria, eligibility requirements for members of the committee, and committee functions and procedures in addition to those stated in Section 4.0;
- State a date, not less than thirty (30) calendar days after the request is posted, on which such entity will be formed, unless three (3) or more Members request in writing to the EC that the EC request to create a new committee or working groups be put to Member vote.
- Upon a sufficient request for a Member vote, the EC shall conduct a vote on approving the request in accordance with the procedures for an election set forth in Section 8.0.
- Any committee or working group established pursuant to this Section shall comply with the requirements of Section 2.0.
- Resolve Disputes. The EC shall hear and resolve disputes among members and any appeal from a decision made by the Membership Committee Chair.
- Records Retention. The EC shall maintain all records required by the ICANN Board for GNSO structures to maintain for no less than four (4) years to ensure that a full three (3) year record is available for each renewal/reconfirmation period.
The Membership Committee’s primary focus will be to recruit new members, review new member applications to determine eligibility, maintain the active member list and determine the eligibility for elections.
As long as there are sufficient willing participants, the Policy Committee shall consist of the following officers:
- Chair;
- Vice Chair;
- Recorder; and
- The General Assembly, which shall consist of no less than two (2) and no more than eight (8) members.
- Receive and review Member applications and, if the information in the application is not sufficient to warrant acceptance, notify the applicant and request additional information;
- Establish, execute and assure compliance with the new Member application process;
- Accept new Members who qualify in accordance with this Charter;
- Maintain the list of Members with contact information and update at least every six months;
- Determine the ICANN geographical Region(s) represented by each Member. This determination will be made based on citizenship, residence, duration of residency or experience within a Region, depth of involvement in Internet matters in the Region, and other criteria as contained in the ICANN Bylaws or approved by the ICANN Board;
- Devise and conduct recruitment and outreach programs;
- Elections and Reporting
- Determine the active voting status of Members;
- Upon receipt from the EC of a notice of an upcoming election, confirm the identity and status of Constituency Members eligible to vote and run for office at least forty (40) days prior to the beginning of such election;
- Accept nominations for offices to be filled by such election and, in the case of more than four (4) nominations for any office, determine the top four (4) candidates, who will be included on the ballot. In the case of a dispute about this determination, any interested party may appeal the decision to the EC; and
- Notify the EC of the names of the candidates for each office at least ten (10) days prior to the deadline for providing ballots to Constituency Members eligible to vote in such election.
- Advise and assist the EC, NPOC as a whole and perform other duties as reasonable requested; and
- Establish work groups to perform as needed.
The Policy Committee’s primary focus shall be to establish and develop NPOC policy positions and draft comments, letters and other communication regarding ICANN policy issues.
As long as there are sufficient willing participants, the Policy Committee shall consist of the following officers:
- Chair;
- Vice Chair;
- Recorder; and
- The General Assembly, which shall consist of no less than two (2) and no more than eight (8) members.
The Policy Committee shall:
- Monitor ongoing ICANN policy development processes and emerging issues and provide recommendations to the NPOC regarding the same;
- Draft comments, letters and other communications related to official NPOC policy; and
- Establish work groups to perform as needed.
The Communications Committee’s primary focus shall be to maintain the efficient exchange of information between the NPOC, the NCSG and the ICANN community.
As long as there are sufficient willing participants, the Communication Committee shall consist of the following officers:
- Chair;
- Vice Chair;
- Recorder; and
- The General Assembly, which shall consist of no less than two (2) and no more than eight (8) members.
- Establish work groups to perform as needed;
- Establish and manage all public communications facilities as described in Section 6.0, in accordance with the list of Members’ contact information provided by the Membership Committee Chair;
- Establish and manage the NPOC website, including access to membership application forms; and
- Maintain all records and documents of the NPOC.
As long as there are sufficient willing participants, the Program Committee shall consist of the following officers:
- Chair;
- Vice Chair;
- Recorder; and
- The General Assembly, which shall consist of no less than two (2) and no more than eight (8) members.
The Program Committee shall: