2017-05-15 New gTLD Subsequent Procedures PDP
The following call for the New gTLD Subsequent Procedures Working Group is scheduled to take place on Monday, 15 May 2017 at 15:00 UTC.
08:00 PST, 11:00 EST, 16:00 London, 17:00 CET
1) Welcome/SOIs
2) Work Track Updates
3) GDD Summit Recap
4) Drafting Team Update – Different TLD Types (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1mA_hTUhLhJSsfcmoQwREtUqxykZ5KfJffzJAAhEvNlA/edit#gid=1186181551)
5) Community Comment 2 (CC2) Update – Public Comment available here: https://www.icann.org/public-comments/cc2-new-gtld-subsequent-procedures-2017-03-22-en
6) ICANN59 Planning
7) AOB
Dial outs: Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Kavouss Arasteh
Apologies: Rubens Kuhl
On audio only: Gg Levine
Actions/Discussion Notes:
1. Work Track Updates:
Work Track 1: Christa Taylor -- Tomorrow we have meeting. Continuing discussion on RSP Program.
Work Track 2: Michael Flemming -- 18 May at 2100 UTC. Speaking about registrar nondescrimination and vertical integration.
Work Track 3: Karen Day -- Having next meeting on 23 May at 1500 UTC. Focusing on freedom of expression, geo names and community issues. Get some feedback on where to focus for the next meeting as to whether to continue to dive in on these issues.
Work Track 4: Cheryl Langdon-Orr -- Meets on 25 May at 1500 UTC. Continuing conversation regarding name collisions. We will be having Patrik Faltstrom, SSAC Chair, joining the call. We will be looking at SSAC advice on IDNs and name collisions. Let staff know if you would like the reading list on these topics.
2. GDD Summit Recap
-- Held last week, Jeff Neuman and others were there.
-- GDD Summit is intended for contracted parties -- registries, registrars, consultants.
-- Many of the people are not members of this PDP WG.
-- Some don't pay attention to policy processes and may not be aware of the work we are doing.
-- There are a number of contracted parties that would like to see a subsequent gTLD procedures sooner rather than later and wanted ICANN staff to set a date.
-- Not sure how realistic it is to set a date.
-- Comment by Akram Atallah -- There are a number of items that are gating items before we write any procedures, including whether it will be first come, first served.
-- Don't want to wait until the policy process is completely over before ICANN org starts to work on implementation processes.
-- Asked Akram if he could produce a list of the gating items could be so that we could consider them and in theory prioritize them.
-- Other subjects: application fees and whether there should be a refund of excess application fees; transitioning backend registries or assigning from one entity to another. Did not pertain to the RSP Program but there are some parallels.
-- GNSO Council could set a target date if they wanted to.
-- No policy decisions were made; it was just a forum for contracted parties to express their views. Everything will come back to the policy process. Nothing will happen without bringing it back to this WG.
-- From ICANN staff: Developing a list of items, but don't view them as gating items -- just those that would be very helpful for implementation planning as to what the policy direction may be. For example, if it is first come, first served it could fundamentally affect how implementation is structured.
-- GDD Summit can provide an insight into the practical operational issues and concerns for contracted parties.
-- Of the 2 1/2 days of meetings there were maybe just a couple of hours on subsequent gTLD issues. Most time was spent discussing operational issues.
From the chat:
Jorge Cancio (GAC Switzerland): Thanks for circulating the info on the GDD... it looks as it is growing into policy issues...?
Michael Flemming: @Jorge, it includes policy that impacts operations of contracted parties. So it is not completely ignorant of policy but has a larger focus on operations with an interest in policy that will affect operations.
Jorge Cancio (GAC Switzerland): Thanks to Jeff for this recap - sounds very much like important policy discussions, but without some important stakeholders being there
Donna Austin, Neustar: Jorge - i think that's an unfair characterisation of what took place. discussions took place, no decisions made, understand any policy topics would be done under correct mechanisms.
Jorge Cancio (GAC Switzerland): @Donna: why unfair? just factually stating that important discussions take place, without important stakeholders
Jim Prendergast: And there were no meetings of any policy development groups such as this one.
Kristina Rosette (Amazon Registry): May be easiest to think of GDD as a 2+-day meeting of the Registry and Registrar Stakeholder Groups, where members of those SGs who are not participating in this WG asked questions of those who are.
Kavouss Arasteh: Jorge +1
Annebeth Lange: Many of the subjects touched upon will also have implications for both governments and ccTLDs
3. Drafting Team Update – Different TLD Types (See: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1mA_hTUhLhJSsfcmoQwREtUqxykZ5KfJffzJAAhEvNlA/edit#gid=1186181551 and attached as a PDF)
-- Other Drafting Teams are looking at the framework for predictability and mechanism for accepting applications.
-- Different TLD types: See the document at the link above.
-- Document pages 2-3: Tried to identify attributes for specific purposes to try to find commonalities between different types to determine if some should be distinctive types.
--Document page 4: Column headings -- specific application submission requirements, registration restrictions, etc. and how they apply to different types of TLDs.
-- This is a draft document and does not present conclusions; the document is designed to help the Drafting Team develop proposals.
-- There are diverging views on whether their should be categories/types and what they should be.
-- Document page 5: Try to determine from the attributes what would be required to change in the application process -- submission, evaluation, contracting, changing attributes.
-- In the next two weeks the WG should read through this document. Drafting Team should use the list to start discussing this.
-- Need to close off on CC1 and get to our preliminary draft recommendations.
-- Have not definitively decided that we would consider 'community' as a separate type.
-- Categories could impact the development of application fee setting, applications, evaluation, type of contract, and more.
-- Overarching issues have to be put to rest before the Work Tracks can conclude their work.
Question: Kavouss Arasteh: How and when these provisional decidions are converted to more definitive as well as any impact of any provisional decision on other provisional decision?
-- Provisional decisions could be taken in the group, look at how they impact everything else, come back and review the decisions, may get changed or not, work toward an initial draft and need to come to group consensus on those provisional decisions. Then they have to become draft decisions that go for comment. See how everything ties together; then come with a final recommendation. First step in reaching consensus, but shouldn't be a barrier to reaching consensus. It is part of consensus building.
4. Community Comment 2 (CC2) Update – Public Comment available here: https://www.icann.org/public-comments/cc2-new-gtld-subsequent-procedures-2017-03-22-en
-- Reminder to all WG members that the comment period for CC2 is 22 May.
-- No need to wait for the deadline. You can send in comments now if they are ready.
5. ICANN59 Planning
-- Sessions that are scheduled: 1) Geo names sessions -- 90 minutes on Tuesday followed by 90 minutes on Thursday. 2) have a PDP WG face-to-face meeting on Wednesday, 0830 to 1200 (tentative).
-- Everyone is invited to the geo names sessions. These are in continuation of the webinar. Walk through proposals. Looking at trying to have a professional moderator to help us with that session to help us try to find a common path forward.
-- With respect to the face-to-face session we will have all the CC2 comments and a compilation of the comments.