2017-01-10 New gTLD Subsequent Procedures PDP
The call for the New gTLD Subsequent Procedures Working Group has been rescheduled to Tuesday, 10 January 2017 at 03:00 UTC for 90 minutes, please note this change in your calendar.
19:00 PST (Monday), 22:00 EST (Monday), 03:00 London, 04:00 CET
for other places see: http://tinyurl.com/zq82hwx[tinyurl.com]
- Welcome/Review Agenda
- SOIs
- WT Updates/CC2 Planning and Timeline
- Next Steps for Overarching Issues (The DRAFT deliberations and initial findings can be found here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/16Sd6mpO5MqHl7BHOl9HBENDgUvcqQ04QumbVNfVu-FM/edit?usp=sharing)
Dial outs: Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Rubens Kuhl, Kavouss Arasteh
Apologies: Annebeth Lange, Jorge Cancio, Seun Ojedeji, Susan Payne, Gertrude Levine, Kavouss Arasteh, Amr Elsadr
On audio only:
Actions/Discussion Notes:
Action Item: Ensure meeting invitations are sent out (specifically WT3 on 17 Jan and WT4 on 20 Jan, but review others).
1. WT Updates/CC2 Planning and Timeline
-- WT4: Rubens: WT4 next meeting is scheduled to Jan 19, but actual agenda is contingent on availability of experts (IDN, UA) to join the call; if one or both are we will focus on it, otherwise we will move towards CC2 questions.
Action Items:
1. Leadership/staff will provide guidance about upcoming meeting topic scheduling.
2. Leadership/staff will provide background materials prior to meetings taking place.
CC2 Planning - Leadership to begin working on initial questions with their respective work track members.
2. Categorization or Differentiation of gTLDs
Context on edits in Google doc (from staff): Integrate the CC1 discussion input into this document.
Additional New gTLDs in the future:
-- Additional new gTLDs in the future: [reading from the CC1 google doc]
-- Be more explicit on changes in the document for people not the the call (policy on 2007).
-- Good to say that what we are saying is not changing.
Categorization or differentiation of gTLDs: [reading from the CC1 Google Doc]
-- Manipulation of categories -- concern about changing a category after the gTLD has been granted.
-- Need to identify the different categories and compliances. Need some enforcement mechanisms to make changes
-- Could a community TLD change on the fly?
-- I think they have a contract that binds them to the community.
-- If the registry operator wanted to change their contract they could do so. Not sure that there is a mechanism now for when a registry operator goes beyond the scope of its agreement.
-- Spec 13...Some categories may need a special request and some might be what the brands have now
-- But it is not something without consequences.
Future new gTLDs assessed in 'rounds'
Action Item: The WG had agreed that at DT should document the issue, identify requirements, and propose a solution or solutions for consideration by the full WG.
-- The point is that some have said that the allocation should be similar as to registrar accreditation and others disagreed.
-- One thing that is missing is that the existence of the first round allowed us to extend the process to address unexpected issues that arose.
Predictability should be maintained or enhanced without sacrificing flexibility
-- No edits from previous.
Community engagement in new gTLD application process
-- No comments
Limiting applications in total and/or per entity during an application window
-- Not necessarily anticompetitive. Better to say that it is impractical.
-- This has to be recorded. The reportage.