Work Team C 02.02.11 Chat
Seth: WT C CHAT: 02 FEBRUARY 2011
Seth: Hello, WT C.
sylvia herlein: dEAR all, Im so sorry but I´m not to be able to participate today. I need to participate in another teleconference from my work. In the last LACRALO teleconference we form a group in order to work in our region ( Fatima, Sergio, Cintra and me). We will try to have the answer from our ALSes to the SWOT before our next teleconference in Fev.
sylvia herlein: I´m so sorry!
sylvia herlein: I will be only in the Adobe room. So If you want to ask me something is OK.
Heidi Ullrich: Welcome everyone!
Heidi Ullrich: Gareth, do you need a dial out?
CLO: Hmmm no dial out :?
CLO: I've not been called either
Heidi Ullrich: Dialing out to you now
Heidi Ullrich: Gareth, OCL are on
Tijani BEN JEMAA: hello
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: Hello All
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: Cintra wanted to join this call, but had a work meeting conflict
Gisella Gruber-White: Thanks Dev
Heidi Ullrich: At-Large is usually the vanguard :)
CLO: Seth is good on the minute taking :-)
CLO: and I'm muted again while I cough
CLO: no I'm muted
Heidi Ullrich: is 90 minutes ok for the Sunday Workshop?
Heidi Ullrich: 45 minutes for the Wrap Up Session?
CLO: What it means then is friom that scegule outline ALAC will have AI's comming out of SFO
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: 90 for each WT ?
Heidi Ullrich: yes, Cheryl
Heidi Ullrich: no, total
Heidi Ullrich: overall discussion
Heidi Ullrich: The WTs could then work on any points the ALAC raised during hte Sunday session
CLO: as we will not be "discussing" and developing thoughts and final directions on a fewthings till the Thur
Heidi Ullrich: during their meetings in the week
CLO: then ALAC will have some AI's out of SFO
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: ok, 22 mins per WT
CLO: but the WT's per se should be pretty well finalised ....
CLO: NO we would not ( ALAC finalise the resommendations but we would consider them in SFO
CLO: Yes diagrams flow charts and tables HSOULD be included
CLO: Summary slides are usefull and we also need to SEE any diagrams
CLO: that would be additional
CLO: CAN be pre sent
Gareth Shearman: I can envision some very cluttered, unreadable slides if everything is crammed on to one page.
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: agree with Gareth
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: need perhaps a slide per recommendation
CLO: +1 for Dev
Heidi Ullrich: I think we should schedule an extra 30 minutes just in case...
CLO: so ALL 's would end up using 13-17 slides in all
Heidi Ullrich: we could schedule the session immediately prior to lunch
Tijani BEN JEMAA: yes Heidi, plz do
CLO: as SOME of the review Rec's' are more extensive than others
Seth Greene: Perhaps fix the time per team, rather than slides.
CLO: Also remember a person could out up one slide (e.g. one of the flow charts re policy input but the discussion on the aspects of that slides sections could take MUCH longer than the allocated time
Gareth Shearman: I don't think we should be fixated on this slide issue
CLO: AGREE Gareth\\\
CLO: For heavins SAKE!
Heidi Ullrich: 30 mins each
Heidi Ullrich: Agree, Seth.
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: just set a limit to the time for presentation for each WT say 5-10 mins each
CLO: we give each WT 20 mins 5-7 for presentaion of the reecs they have for ALAC to consider and the rest for discussion / interaction
CLO: Yes Dev we AGREE
Seth Greene: Example of Dev's work:\\
CLO: yes
CLO: the ALAC internal process was meetings basewd]
CLO: and used the B&F SC
CLO: Sorry Caps
CLO: we asked for regional inpout got it sent it to Director of At-Large who added it into their departmsntal request(sO) we think <insert black hole>
CLO: Thanks
Dave Kissoondoyal: Hi all... had electfrical power outage here and this is the reason could not join earlier
CLO: Yes I'd mirror the use of then and now diagrams for 5.1.1 5.2&.1
CLO: & 5.2.1
Tijani BEN JEMAA: Welcome Dave
CLO: 5.3.1 IS AN issue OUTSTANDING imo
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: LACRALO has done a Google Doc for SWOT analysis :\\
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: but no actual changes made as yet
CLO: were zNIT past deadline but yes you are being Nieve
CLO: Nieve
Heidi Ullrich: Seth, are the FR/ES versions ready?
Olivier Crépin-Leblond: they have been for a long time
Heidi Ullrich: thanks!!
Seth Greene: The FR/ES versions have been up from the beginning. Attached to English.
CLO: Yes a reminder will help as it is happening BEFORE the deadline' APRALO has been looking at a lot of its OWN internal needs for Policy intput AND inreach / outreach
Seth Greene: Done.
CLO: we did obviously like all regions do the work for the FY12 input but there has been NO call to the ALSes for inout
CLO: input
CLO: Thanks all
CLO: at this stage there shouod not be many action items
CLO: Dream in OCL
CLO: and happy year of the Rabbit
Dave Kissoondoyal: thanks a lot and bye
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: Bye all
Seth Greene: Thanks, everyone. Happy New Year.