Work Team C 02.02.11 Action Items

Work Team C 02.02.11 Action Items


Dev to create process diagram(s) regarding:

  • Recommendation task 5.1.1 (Review current processes within At-Large used to contribute to strategic planning), with Cheryl providing description, as needed, of previous planning processes (at time of initial review); and
  • Recommendation task 5.1.2 (Propose measures to eliminate any barriers identified in 5.1.1), with Olivier’s assistance. 

      -  Completed.

Heidi to research and advise WT C on Recommendation task 5.3 (Review ongoing At-Large staff support levels and budget allocations in FY2009-2010 -- updated to FY2011 and requests for FY2012 -- and increase support as provided throughout this project, consistent with recommendations in Final Report).

      -  Completed.

Seth to research and advise WT C on whether there is an ongoing need for Recommendation task 5.3.1 (ALAC and staff should develop an annual support agreement).

      -  In progress.  Awaiting clarification.

Seth to place on WT C’s agenda for 16 February 2011 the following: 

      -  Completed.

Each WT C member to:

  • Review (a) WT's own contributions to SWOT Analyses (ver 2) and (b) the tasks listed in WT C’s Simplified Outline; and
  • Decide before next meeting (a) which SWOT points apply to which recommendation tasks and (b) what next steps are indicated by this matching (“mapping”).
    (This work can be discussed via the WT C mailing list before being discussed in the next meeting.  Olivier is asking members to come to the meeting with ideas already formulated.)

      -  Completed.

Matthias (a) to remind the RALO SWOT coordinators of their deadlines and (b) to point out to them that, since the SWOT tables are already rather full, it’s fine if their input simply is that they agree with the points already there.

      -  Completed.