Work Team C 04.01.11 Summary Minutes
Participants: Tijani Ben Jemaa, Olivier Crepin-Leblond, Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Gareth Shearman, Dave Kissoondoyal, James Corbin
Apologies: Adam Peake
Absent: Fouad Bajwa, Freddy Linares Torres, Sylvia Herlein Leite, Shaarawy Abd Elbaky
Staff: Heidi Ullrich, Seth Greene, Marilyn Vernon
1. Roll call – 5 min
2. Review of AIs from 6 Dec 2010 Cartagena meeting – Co-Chairs, 5 min
a) Seth to incorporate the agreed upon SWOT revisions into a version 2 of the analyses
- Status: Completed
- See WT C's SWOT Analysis_ver 2
b) Olivier, Tijani, and Dave to review the revisions the WT made to the strategic-planning and operational-planning SWOT analyses (after Seth incorporates them).
- Status: Completed
- See WT C's SWOT Analysis_ver 2
c) Olivier, Tijani, and Dave to review and revise the WT’s budgetary-planning SWOT analysis that the WT did not get to during its 6 Dec meeting.
- Status: Completed
- See WT C's SWOT Analysis_ver 2
3. Finalization of SWOT analyses: Resolution of remaining points noted (in colored text) in WT C's SWOT Analysis_ver 2 – Co-Chairs, 15 min.
Tijani: In the Chat, Cheryl has suggested that the SWOT next go out to the RALO for regional input. Would you like to expand on that, Cheryl?
Cheryl: Each of the regions is very different, especially regarding operational planning. I suggest we now take the SWOT analyses back to the regions, as the main implementers of operational and budgetary planning, for their input. This will also help ensure that they take responsibility for the changes.
Tijani: I’d suggest a two-month deadline.
Cheryl: Matthias needs to ensure that this topic be handled properly by the RALOs. An approximate two-month deadline from now means that the SWOT must be on the RALOs’ January agendas, then they can get feedback from their ALSes, and finally in their February meetings finalize the feedback that they’ll get back to us.
>> AI: Olivier, Tijani and Seth to finalize version 2 of WT C's SWOT analyses, then to pass them (along with the WT C Cartagena presentation) onto Matthias for distribution to the RALOs for input.
>> AI: Matthias, assisted by Seth, to shepherd the RALOs through the process of submitting comments on the SWOT analyses to WT C by the end of February 2011. (Recommended schedule: SWOTs on RALOs’ January agenda, then collect ALSes’ input, then finalize feedback for WT C in February meetings.)
Cheryl: Also, we need to make sure this gets built into a structure – whether a standing committee populated by regional representatives who work with the ALAC or ExCom or something else. And we need to make sure that the ALSes are involved.
Olivier: The next version of the SWOT, version 3, will be created by our incorporating the RALOs’ feedback.
4. Discussion of SWOT analyses’ application to WT C’s individual Rec. 5 & 6 tasks and resulting next steps – Co-Chairs, 15 min.
• See WT C's SWOT Analysis_ver 2
• See WT C At-Large Simplified Improvements Outline
Olivier: While we are awaiting the RALO input, I propose that we start mapping the SWOT analyses points to the appropriate tasks/subpoints under Recommendations 5 & 6. I’ve assigned numbers to the SWOT points so that they can be referred to easily in the WT C Simplified Outline.
Tijani: Yes, I fully agree. We could spend the time doing that.
5. Any other business – Co-Chairs, 5 min
Current ALAC statement on ICANN’s strategic planning
Cheryl: Did the WT co-chairs intend to use this meeting at all to get some input on, or even do some drafting of, the ALAC’s needed statement on ICANN’s strategic planning currently due.
Olivier: I had hoped to discuss who will do the actual drafting of the overall ALAC statement during the ExCom meeting this Thursday. Of course, I’m thinking that I may end up doing the writing myself.
Cheryl: Have we actually formally asked the RALOs for their input?
Olivier: I saw your note, Cheryl, about this posted to the ALAC list. Unfortunately, the timing has not been on our side. For example, I have asked our EURALO chair about this, but have not received an answer, possibly because people are not back from vacation yet.
Tijani: I’ve already drafted the APRALO’s input on this and will be sending it to the ALAC.
Cheryl: The timing of such tasks and how they line up with holidays must be carefully looked at for the future. And special attention must be given to the Asia region, which celebrates the bulk of its important holidays after the other regions.
Olivier: Certainly the SWOT will identify this as a shortcoming, and one of our recommendations will come out of it.
6. Confirmation of next meeting (after ICANN holiday break): Tue, 18 Jan 2011, at 20:00 UTC -- Co-Chairs, 5 min
Dave: Could we do a Doodle poll to determine the time of the next meeting? This time is a bit difficult for those in the Asian region. Perhaps we could include in the Doodle all possible times during the scheduled day of the next meeting, 18 January.
Cheryl: (from the Chat) Perhaps all open times over the course of as much as 48 hours, instead of 24 hours, should be considered, due to the time and day differences between certain regions.
>> AI: Seth to request a Doodle to determine the time of the next meeting. (Times to be offered are all those available over a 48-hour period including 18 January 2011.)
Olivier: Let me just point out that a Doodle was done earlier, which established this current time as the most popular. In addition, there are considerations of the staff and call line availabilities. If the Doodle again results in a time that is particularly inconvenient for one region, we could consider alternating times of the meetings.