Work Team C 04.01.11 Chat
Seth Greene: WT C CHAT: 4 DECEMBER 2011
Seth Greene: Welcome, everyone. Happy New Year.
Heidi Ullrich (privately): Hi Seth, could you pls turn your skype on?
Seth Greene (privately): On, now.
Heidi Ullrich (privately): Thanks.
Heidi Ullrich (privately): Welcome, Dev!!
Heidi Ullrich: Welcome, Dev!
Heidi Ullrich: Adigo is on hold re James Corbin dialout
Dave Kissoondoyal: Hello all
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: Thanks, Heidi. Best New Years to everyone
Heidi Ullrich: SWOT analysis Version 2:
Heidi Ullrich: Also in the web links pod to the left.
CLO: As I said it all looks VERY pretty APRALO has particular issues with complexity of political issues and local knowledge
CLO: it is complex and is best LEFT TO OUR REGIONAL input and expertise
Heidi Ullrich: What are the next steps re the SWOT?
Heidi Ullrich: Do we have a schedule for its finalization?
CLO: make the RALO's take resposability for some of this DIRECTLY is my approach for what it is worth
Olivier Crépin-Leblond: Seth - what is the expected schedule, please?
Seth Greene: I was hoping we could finalize the SWOTs today, and then turn to its implications for Recs 5 & 6. Ultimately, the work of WT C is scheduled to be completed in March.
Olivier Crépin-Leblond: IMHO we've exhaused comments from this working group. Ask RALOs ASAP, yes.
CLO: from a wt pov WHAT WE ARE (apralo) suggesting is we finalise it as such and now ask FOR formal RALO input on it
CLO: sorry CAPS was on
CLO: yes deadline by end of this calander month or make it 2 months
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: The presentation by all the WGs (at the next ALAC call?) will also be useful to get feedback from RALOs/At-Large
Dave Kissoondoyal: one month will be enough
Dave Kissoondoyal: prior to the RALOs meeting, email can be sent to their list
CLO: to get our ALSES input it takes 2 months
CLO: CAN be done by March though
CLO: if not you have what you have from APRALO
CLO: there is much mapping to do yes
Dave Kissoondoyal: i have a suggestion - let the WT complete the work and ask the RALO's input on the work of the a way endorsing with any amendments if any
CLO: and prep recommendations for next round of strat and budget input more effectivly
CLO: prior planning is essential
CLO: +1 to OCL's statements
Gareth Shearman: I am in agreement with OCL as well
Heidi Ullrich: 2011-2014 At-Large Strategic Plan Workspace -
Heidi Ullrich: We will upload the AFRALO statement later today.
CLO: yes Tijani this is still RALO business though not ALAC per se...
CLO: Matthias needs to ensure the agenda and peop time is given to this call for input though when we make it
Heidi Ullrich: I suggest that Matthias and Seth coordinate on this issue.
CLO: Yes thanks for that codifications
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: Will there be a SWOT ver3 document produced ?
Olivier Crépin-Leblond: Swot v1 is the one for further input. v2 is the condensed one. No v3.
James 2: dropped off call will try to reoonect
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: thanks
CLO: This will lso (I hope) encourage each region to do a SWOT themselves...
CLO: result of RALO and ALS inout will create a FINAL version
CLO: and this can be a reportable out of the SFO meeting
Dave Kissoondoyal: i have sent an email requesting a doodle poll before the next meeting
CLO: I so want to have video calls ...
Heidi Ullrich: Should Matthias send the SWOTto the Regions? I noted that Olivier and Tijani would.
Heidi Ullrich: Either way is fine. We just need to clarify the action.
Olivier Crépin-Leblond: Seth will work with Tijani and I to finalise.
Olivier Crépin-Leblond: and then Matthias will need to *drive* this to the regions
Heidi Ullrich: The AFRALO call is tomorrow. Could the revised SWOT be presented during this meeting?
CLO: Gisella will know any black out times in a given day
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: from a presentation p.o.v, would the SWOT be better presented with the strategic planning on the left column and the operational planning be on the right column?
CLO: it may be we need to offer over 30+ hrs or even 4w etc.,
CLO: 4w = 48 hrs
Dave Kissoondoyal: +1 to OCL suggestion
CLO: also at APRALO meeting yesterday wre called for new members to join all WT's so we need to perhaps send doodle more widely to other oists?
CLO: regiopnal lists?
Heidi Ullrich: We have one alternate line we could use.
CLO: just a thought'
CLO: See asking me to fill in a 24 hrs will niot show you regional preferencess just mine...
Dave Kissoondoyal: thanks and bye
Seth Greene: Thank you, Tijani. Thank you, everyone.
CLO: Thanks Tijani
Olivier Crépin-Leblond: We do have an alternate line but no alternate staff
CLO: we hff fir most time zones just different staffqve st
CLO: different staff
Heidi Ullrich: However, Seth is dedicated to the WTs while other staff can cover other calls.
CLO: yes we shiuod care for Seth as well :-0
Seth Greene: Let's care very much for our Seth.
CLO: sorry CAPS
Seth Greene: Seriously, I'm fairly open to odd hours. Let's see what the Doodle tells us. I'll let you, Olivier, and Tijani know.
CLO: Part of your selection criteria I suspect Seth :-)
CLO: able to work odd hours :-)
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: I know WT D is facing a similiar issue so a Doodle may also be needed
Seth Greene: You're right, Olivier. Too long ago to remember.
CLO: Bye for now - Thanks all