GNSO Framework for Continuous Improvement Pilot Project

GNSO Framework for Continuous Improvement Pilot Project


The GNSO Council initiated the GNSO Framework for Continuous Improvement Pilot in June 2021, to determine the appropriate approach to handle various projects and activities on the GNSO Council’s Action Decision Radar that focus on improvements to GNSO processes and procedures. The pilot focuses on two topics: (1) a review of the GNSO Statement of Interest process; and (2) a review of the GNSO Working Group Self-Assessment Survey. The Council Committee for Overseeing and Implementing Continuous Improvement (CCOICI) began meeting in September 2021.


SG/Cs to continue monitoring the pilot, including via reports from their respective Councilors and through participation in the pilot. For more information on the Framework and the pilot, refer to the GNSO Council's wiki page.


As determined by the progress and timeline applicable to the pilot.

Status: ACTIVE

2022-02During the ICANN73 GNSO Council session, the GNSO Council decided to extend the GNSO Framework for Continuous Improvement Pilot Project by including the implementation of specific, community-related Work Stream 2 (WS2) recommendations.
2022-05The CCOICI continues its work on WS2 recommendations. A database is maintained to outline the implementation status of each recommendation pertaining to the GNSO council. 