2018-02-19 Standing Committee on ICANNs Budget & Operations Planning

2018-02-19 Standing Committee on ICANNs Budget & Operations Planning

The Standing Committee on ICANNs Budget & Operations Planning will take place on Monday, 19 February 2018 at 14:00 UTC for 60 minutes.

06:00 PST, 09:00 EST, 15:00 Paris CET, 19:00 Karachi PKT, 23:00 Tokyo JST, (Tuesday) 01:00 Melbourne AEDT

For other times:  https://tinyurl.com/ybf7hhkw


  1. Administrative Matters
    1. Introduction of SCBO SMEs

                            i.     Members, SMEs Observers list - https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=113147942[community.icann.org]

  1. Confirm process and timeline for submitting draft comment to the GNSO Council & Approval process
    1. See proposed timeline: http://mm.icann.org/pipermail/gnso-sc-budget/2018-February/000114.html
    2. PC Due date – 8 March 2018
  2. Continue formulating draft comments for the GNSO Council
    1. Review summary docs (attached PDFs)****
    2. Review draft comment doc (attached v0.3 Word)**
    3. Collaboration with SG/C SMEs
  3. AOB / Next meeting – 26 February at 14:00 UTC


FY19 Draft ICANN Budget Notes_20180216


ICANN FY19 Draft ICANN Budget - GNSO Comments_v0.3 (pdf)

ICANN FY19 Draft ICANN Budget - GNSO Comments_v0.3 (word doc)


Attendance: Martin Silva Valent, Ayden Federline, Philippe Fouquart, Heather Forrest, Jimsyn Olufuye, Michele Neylon, Marilyn Cade, Rafik Dammak, John McElwaine , Stephanie Perrin, Chris Chaplow, Jonathan Robinson

Apologies: none

Staff: Berry Cobb, Marika Konings, Nathalie Peregrine


Notes/ Action Items

Notes/ Action Items

3. Confirm process and timeline for submitting draft comment to the GNSO Council & Approval process
See proposed timeline: http://mm.icann.org/pipermail/gnso-sc-budget/2018-February/000114.html
Objective is to develop statement for Council consideration which would complement, not contradict SG/C input
Need to get something to the Council with sufficient time to review prior to 22 Feb Council meeting to allow for the Council to provide input that will help SCBO to finalize its statement.
See summary documents circulated to the mailing list which focus on activities that may no longer be funded under FY19 budget that could have an impact on GNSO Council activities. Overview documents also provide insight on priority areas for spending for FY19 budget.

4. Continue formulating draft comments for the GNSO Council
Review summary docs (attached PDFs)****

Do note, modules are presented by activity, it is not a direct correlation to all projects that may have been assigned to that specific activity/module.
"blank" category includes projects that were not assigned to a particular module and includes mainly operational projects.
Note that these summary documents were created to facilitate SCBO review of proposed FY19 Budget but these do not in any way replace the budget documents that were published for public comment.
SCBO to review whether there are sufficient resources to deliver on its obligations.
Is there a way to see the expenditure to GNSO/GNSO policy related work? See for example portfolio 1.3.1 - although there is some overlap with other activities. Exact number may not be doable, but a parking lot figure may be possible to derive by looking at the different portfolios.
How are FTEs allocated across department? It is pretty clear for the policy department, but less clear for others as well as what their activities entail.

Review draft comment doc (attached v0.3 Word)**
Proposed edit to intro: The GNSO Council takes seriously its responsibilities as a part of the Empowered Community. As a result, we have carefully reviewed the budget to understand what resources we have been allocated including relative to other parts of the community, both to ensure appropriate funding and to ensure we are fully accountable for the resources that we utilize. We have been unable to approximate the levels of financial support provided directly and indirectly to the various Supporting Organizations, Advisory Groups, and associated stakeholder groups and constituencies. We need to have this information in order to hold ourselves, and others, accountable. In particular, we would like to know whether the GNSO is receiving an appropriate level of support relative to that which ICANN is extending to the ALAC, CCNSO, GAC, SSSAC, RSSAC, and the ASO.
Consider changing last sentence to focus on GNSO and its responsibilities instead of comparing to other SO/ACs.
Need to focus on KPIs/ROIs of projects supported and careful to not draw conclusions too quickly on certain activities based on what may be shared on social media.
If Council suggests reinstating certain projects that are being proposed to be cut, it would be helpful to indicate where additional savings can be obtained to reintroduce these projects.
Need to review the letter in the context of the SCBO Charter.
Need to make clear to the Council that this is a proposed draft - if there are controversial items, these can be moved out and submitted by SG/Cs instead.

Action item: SCBO to review latest version of letter (see https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ijZ0bKNxjD8tvM3I5TNZGQ71FJF1zkgoydROCFuFETE/edit?usp=sharing) and make any edits/comments in suggest mode.

19 Feb - SCBO meeting
19 Feb - Submit draft of comments to Council for review prior to next Council meeting (need to have best working draft as possible)
22 Feb - GNSO Council meeting; draft of comments on agenda and deliberation
26 Feb - SCBO meeting
27 Feb - Send latest draft to Council
02 Mar - Deadline for GNSO Council input, suggest edits
05 Mar - SCBO meeting; send final version to Council list for review
07 Mar - Last call for objections from Council
08 Mar - Submit GNSO Council comments to comment forum absent any objections
08 Mar - Draft FY19 ICANN Budget comments due