2019-07-09 PDP3.0
2019-07-09 PDP3.0
The PDP3.0 call is scheduled for Tuesday, 09 July 2019 at 13:00 UTC for 60 minutes.
To check your time zone conversion: https://tinyurl.com/y47prwkm
- Welcome and roll call
- Review of the updated Implementation Plan
- Proposed process to close out items
- #11. Enforce deadlines and ensure bite size pieces. After a high-level review of the project list prototype, discussion on the details (e.g., criteria for status/condition change, who is responsible for designating status, guidance around communicating changes, etc.)
Notes/ Action Items
Action Items:
- Staff to send note about process for finalization of implementation items
- Rafik/staff to review list of implementation items and determine which are ready for finalization by the PDP 3.0 team.
- Per action item above, Rafik/staff/lead to package up relevant materials and send to list for final review.
- Staff to review and ensure that Google documents are available for #4 and #16
- Need business process to determine how conditions are set/changed and when intervention by Council is needed. Berry to send a draft business process to team for their consideration.