2019-04-01 PDP3.0
The PDP3.0 call is scheduled for Monday, 01 April 2019 at 13:00 UTC for 60 minutes.
To check your time zone conversion: https://tinyurl.com/yy6u2rye
- Roll Call
- Welcome & introductions
- Confirm membership
- Role and objective of small team
- Review Slack workspace
- Overview of channels
- Encourage input and conversations through channels
- Confirm archiving frequency
- Review proposed categorization of improvements & discuss possible priority order:
- Working Group members (#1 and #3)
- Council tools to facilitate its role as manager of the PDP (#2, #11, #12, #13, #14, #15, #16 and #17)
- PDP leadership tools (#4, #6 and #9)
- Council liaison tools (#5)
- Review immediate action items for small team and discuss next steps:
- #1. (Terms of participation for WG members): Review EPDP Statement of Participation and consult with EPDP Team / leadership what impact, if any, the statement of participation has had & Consult with existing PDP Chairs whether the introduction of such a statement of participation would be deemed helpful, either for existing or future efforts
- #14. (flexibility of PDP): small team to review / finalize draft set of criteria and check-list (see slack channel)
- #13. (Review of Working Group Leadership): Small group of Councilors to continue work of the SPS sub-group to make specific PDP 3.0 implementation recommendations. (see slack channel)
- Confirm frequency of meetings and timing:
- Meetings every two weeks with most work done via Slack channels?
- Does current time suit everyone or should rotation be considered?
Notes/ Action Items
Action Items
For Small Team:
- Small team members to join the implementation channels by clicking on the "+ Add a channel" in the "channels" section OR clicking on "channels" to browse/join all.
- Small team to review the immediate action items for #1, #14, and #13 and follow up via the SLACK channels by Monday, 8 April.
- #1 (Terms of participation for WG members): Review EPDP Statement of Participation and consult with EPDP Team / leadership what impact, if any, the statement of participation has had & Consult with existing PDP Chairs whether the introduction of such a statement of participation would be deemed helpful, either for existing or future efforts
- #14 (flexibility of PDP): small team to review / finalize draft set of criteria and check-list (see slack channel)
- #13 (Review of Working Group Leadership): Small group of Councilors to continue work of the SPS sub-group to make specific PDP 3.0 implementation recommendations. (see slack channel)
For Staff:
- Staff to post the archive at the end of the call on the wiki so members can see what it looks like, but it is intended to be a public archive for transparency purposes; pending small team’s feedback, staff to post archive on a weekly basis.
- Staff to send "homework" emails that include action items for the small team on a weekly basis to help members keep track
- Staff to create a separate channel in which potential future improvements can be listed so that the small team can collect potential new improvements that come up on the course of the deliberations. These would be listed and reviewed at the end of the implementation process at which time a determination would be made which new improvements to recommend for further Council consideration.
- Staff to produce the next version of materials for #1, #14, and #13 by Monday, 15 April.
1. Roll Call
2. Welcome & introductions
- Membership confirmed; representation from all SGs/Cs
3. Review Slack workspace
- All implementation channels are public and can be joined
- ACTION ITEM: Small team members to join the implementation channels by clicking on the "+ Add a channel" in the "channels" section OR clicking on "channels" to browse/join all.
- SLACK keeps tracks of each implementation by sharing/storing all documentation in one place and facilitates small team members to follow up on action items
- Calls are reserved for items that need to be resolved outside the SLACK channels
- Documents to be archived on a weekly basis tentatively, depending on traffic of communications
- ACTION ITEM: Staff to post the archive at the end of the call on the wiki so members can see what it looks like, but it is intended to be a public archive for transparency purposes; pending small team’s feedback, staff to post archive on a weekly basis.
- ACTION ITEM: Staff to send "homework" emails that include action items for the small team on a weekly basis to help members keep track
4. Review proposed categorization of improvements & discuss possible priority order
- "update made" section added to the implementation plan for the Council to keep track of changes
- The prioritization of implementation items has not been done within each of the category; future calls will be aligned with the prioritization of implementation items
- Staff have tackled some of the implementation items as they can be quickly resolved; some items depend on input from/consultation with the community (e.g., GNSO Council leadership, PDP leadership, etc.), hence the timing for resolving those items is TBD
- Small team members can start figuring out prioritization by reviewing the items in the most important category (one item can fall under more than one category)?
- The categories of "Council tools to facilitate its role as manager of the PDP" and "PDP leadership tools" can be merged?
5. Review immediate action items for small team and discuss next steps
- #1, #14, #13 are the immediate action items derived from the implementation plan and should be addressed/resolved by the small team by April 2019
- ACTION ITEM: Small team to review the immediate action items for #1, #14, and #13 and follow up via the SLACK channels by Monday, 8 April.
- #1 (Terms of participation for WG members): Review EPDP Statement of Participation and consult with EPDP Team / leadership what impact, if any, the statement of participation has had & Consult with existing PDP Chairs whether the introduction of such a statement of participation would be deemed helpful, either for existing or future efforts
- #14 (flexibility of PDP): small team to review / finalize draft set of criteria and check-list (see slack channel)
- #13 (Review of Working Group Leadership): Small group of Councilors to continue work of the SPS sub-group to make specific PDP 3.0 implementation recommendations. (see slack channel)
- #1, for example, should be resolved quickly; small team needs to determine at what point the review of statement of participation should be addressed by the GNSO Council (e.g., chartering stage?)
- #14, numbering/tracking/searching data also needs to be addressed but this improvement is focused on the data gathering efforts
- ACTION ITEM: Staff to create a separate channel in which potential future improvements can be listed so that the small team can collect potential new improvements that come up on the course of the deliberations. These would be listed and reviewed at the end of the implementation process at which time a determination would be made which new improvements to recommend for further Council consideration.
- #13, two documents post on SLACK channel for members to review
- ACTION ITEM: Staff to produce the next version of materials for #1, #14, and #13 by Monday, 15 April.
6. Confirm frequency of meetings and timing
- Small team agreement on meeting every two weeks with most work done via SLACK channels
- Small team agreement on current time slot (13-14 UTC) but consideration of future time zone rotation