PDP 3.0 Implementation Final Report & Consensus Playbook

PDP 3.0 Implementation Final Report & Consensus Playbook

 Final Report

Download the Final Report of the PDP 3.0 Implementation below. It was delivered to the GNSO Council on Monday, 10 February 2020, in advance of the GNSO Council vote on 20 February 2020. 

 Consensus Playbook

Download the Consensus Playbook below. It was delivered to the GNSO Council on Tuesday, 21 April 2020. 

The Consensus Playbook is developed by the Consensus Building Institute (CBI.org) for use by ICANN community members to support ICANN processes only. Do not distribute outside of ICANN. 

 Draft Space

PDP 3.0 Overview 

Document Title Document DescriptionFinal Document Link
PDP 3.0 Overview + Effective Time Frame for Deployment Executive summary of the PDP 3.0 implementation efforts + a table of implementation work products and suggested effective timeframe for deployment https://docs.google.com/document/d/1OfQkmpp1yhAECpQy7nc4_1K7Jlb4iwg2_6nT2I3EUs4/edit?usp=sharing

PDP 3.0 Implementation Work Products

ImprovementDocument TitleDocument DescriptionFinal Document Link
#1 Terms of participation for working group membersStatement of participationA document seeking affirmative commitment from working group members before they can participate in a working group; the EPDP Team also serves as a pilot for this implementationhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1sD0KNJqGaJrUcu_P7g8SQ7V2T7oRIfMk
#2 Consider alternatives to open working group modelA comparison table of working group modelsA document that identifies three policy working group models, notes aspects for consideration during working group formation, and lists elements of different models that can be mixed and matchedhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=11-ViVrRIcVI56TAnBJirtq-WwiszRm2z
#3 Criteria for joining of new members after a PDP working group is formed or recharteredCriteria for joining of new membersA document that provides additional clarifications for the GNSO Working Group Guidelines and outlines factors that a working group should consider in determining whether to accept new members after the start of the efforthttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1D8TBjrHLk6DkByj0UceuN7QqFGGKuN85IapHN3uxuSM
Working group member skills guideA living document that lists resources, tips, and suggestions that help ensure new members are sufficiently prepared for full participation in a working grouphttps://drive.google.com/open?id=14uAsBg0_BnhJ6nqjitsHutm1AcFKhRsa4VAsR-WtMKI
#5 Active role for and clear description of Council liaison to PDP working groupsNew liaison briefing and liaison handoverA tool to assist a new GNSO Council liaison to a PDP working group in getting up to speed with the liaison role and responsibilities generally, but also specific to the particular PDPhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1IRJMUKwOuLdQGCqjSeL86gCrux3wCt3PL24L48IX4TY
GNSO Council liaison supplemental guidance

A checklist that details job duties of a GNSO Council liaison to a PDP working group

#6 Document expectations for working group leaders that outlines role & responsibilities as well as minimum skills / expertise requiredExpectations for working group leadersA tool to facilitate the working group’s selection and review of its leadership positions and help a working group and the Council hold its leaders accountablehttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1t-cU1RBgMkEb3mmEGtM_lsiXwEq3SWPizawlMYVuS34
#9 Provide further guidance for section 3.6 and clarification of section 3.7 of the GNSO working group guidelinesClarification to Complaint Process in GNSO Working GroupsA guideline document that suggests detailed improvements to the complaint process within a GNSO working group, as well as proposed revisions to Section 3.7 of the GNSO Working Group Guidelineshttps://drive.google.com/open?id=19q3qFXu9J0jcDGrWph2Nq0zAtcgB2HCPucNk3hH8Fh0
Briefing Document on the Concept of “Consensus” in PDP

A briefing document that explains the concept of “consensus” and references experience with consensus building in the Internet Engineering Taskforce (IETF)

(NOTE: Since this document will be absorbed by the consensus playbook to be developed under Improvement #4, it does not require further deliberation by the GNSO Council)


#11 Enforce deadlines and ensure bite size pieces

#12 Notification to Council of changes in work plan

#16 Criteria for PDP working group updates

GNSO project work product catalog A list of staff-managed work products to help document and guide the progress of a working group from start to finishhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=16eBQcZeM6kQTcqdcanhLch7Kx2jtEqBOgG9Wzzjd3pY
Project status and condition change procedure A process to assist working group and Council leadership in assessing the state of a project and determining when disruptions require Council attentionhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1naGzZPVTiqG0uj0voKfveOys1CYmVAZ6N_zeMbJvOQI
Project status and condition change  FlowchartFlowchart for the procedure above https://drive.google.com/open?id=1AIRs7ZSz9tG2zbAP0V-JJ_Cw9iCaxKWJ
Project change request formA formal request to the GNSO Council to modify any deliverable or baseline delivery date of a working grouphttps://drive.google.com/open?id=14GnFYT3XCen7qIhl-FANJXN3XDiA5uLEbpQUSG3KvLg

#13 Review of working group leadership

Regular review of PDP working group leadership by GNSO CouncilA process that helps the GNSO Council evaluate the performance of PDP working group leadership and address possible issues/opportunities identifiedhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1hbc26gVvd5TjzLarGQkLxGQn_mRceF0H
PDP working group member survey on leadership performanceAn anonymous survey to be completed by PDP WG members and feed into the regular review of PDP working group leadership by the GNSO Councilhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1GSUpkYjIetVGxoSjTjgkFfMvCqTPMzUi
#14 Criteria to evaluate request for data gatheringChecklist: criteria to evaluate request for data gatheringA tool to assist PDP working group in performing its due diligence before submitting a data gathering request to the GNSO Councilhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1NLk5GurwrVFAjY0foUGCNxfcaz_MfXYaBvZ-UdVgG5M
#15 Independent Conflict Resolution

Guidelines Concerning ICANN Org Resources for Conflict Resolution and Mediation

A reference guide to existing conflict resolution resources available to the ICANN communityhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=153SjZx2rwgET4-UIW_4siU3tWzJbcGWnwsQrhiADuww
#17 Resource Reporting for PDP Working GroupResource Reporting for PDP Working GroupA preliminary document that provides high-level definitions and concepts about resource tracking, which may continue evolving beyond PDP 3.0 implementationhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=13zL6KitCJ03KyDBGWePPcPkQlDaz2pKnJk0xj3TH4bE

Additional Work Products 

Document Title Document DescriptionFinal Document Link
Proposed Effective Time Frame to Deploy PDP 3.0 Improvement Proposed time frame to deploy the work products associated with PDP 3.0 improvements https://docs.google.com/document/d/1uWJc4LwUuwDJex7OIHUktcQXRKUapSUNgU0zjI4j7Z8/edit?usp=sharing
Revised GNSO Working Group Charter Template As a related effort of PDP 3.0 implementation, the GNSO working group Charter template has been updated to serve as a one-stop-shop of all PDP 3.0 improvements, informing various audiences about the proposed changes to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of PDP working groups https://docs.google.com/document/d/1w0P45X_jOwhVHNzYNqnF0lAFyjHtp2LA/edit#
Proposed Incorporation of PDP 3.0 Implementation in GNSO Operating Procedures Proposed revision/updates to the GNSO Operating Procedures to incorporate PDP 3.0 implementation https://docs.google.com/document/d/1V7Xfoh_xnr51JDJqF8HsEn_buVak36GNrKafnx1FHwM/edit?usp=sharing
Community Feedback ScorecardPDP 3.0 Small Team's responses to community feedback, which was received during the input solicitation period in October-November 2019, as well as during the public webinar on 9 December 2019. https://docs.google.com/document/d/16qp40ByUTDykngb74XmfToshV74ubGhSwE8XP_O0s3o/edit?usp=sharing
PDP 3.0 Webinar Slides Slide deck used during the PDP 3.0 public webinar on 9 December 2019https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1cKpme0QFIkCBWxCngIAio4Vqs80dOVq2UsDQZ6-4DiE/edit#slide=id.p37