EURALO Social Event

EURALO Social Event

Date: Wednesday 16 June 2021

Time: 14:00-15:30 UTC

Taskforce Members
Natalia Filina

Maté Méster

Matthias Hudobnik
Roberto Gaetano
Jonathan Zuck
Olivier Crépin-Leblond

Draft Agenda (work in progress):

Time Duration DescriptionModeratorCommentsLogistics

14:00-14:05 UTC 

(16:00-16:05 CEST)

5'Greetings and announcement of the agenda

EURALO Chair, Sébastien Bachollet 

EURALO Secretary, Natalia Filina

Seb and Natalia to present the agenda 

Gallery view - spotlight speaker

14:05 - 14:30


Virtual Delft Tour Kevin

Live zoom tour with a guide through Delft.


Hello! My name is Kevin.
It is a great pleasure for me to be part of this Euralo Social event. For all those who do not have the opportunity to visit the Netherlands, the country of virtual host of ICANN71, today I will take a walk through one of the most picturesque cities - Delft. And I hope that soon you will have the opportunity to take a walk here!
Let's go!

We have now reached the end of our tour and I look forward to hopefully seeing many next year in the wonderful City of Delft. I will now hand the scene over to Adam Peake, who is waiting for you in The Hague to welcome you there 

SOUND Checks with Kevin & Adam at 13:40 UTC

2'Greetings and invitation to the ICANN74 (Hague)Adam Peake

Live Greetings from Adam Peake

Adam hands floor to Natalia to present the INTRODUCE the painting 

Welcoming us to The Hague for next year ICANN74
14:30-14:40 UTC10'Painting lesson by NataliaNatalia Filina

(RECORDED VIDEO) - Michelle to show

Online lesson "to paint the plate for the ICANN71"
We`ll paint the plate online together in the style of Delft porcelain, but in the center of this thing we will write "ICANN71" and we will ask people in social networks to share the result of creativity with hashtag #ICANN71.  It will be both fun and beautiful!

1. A short, lively greeting from Natalia (1 min).
2.Video tutorial (recording) how to paint a plate (a little history, a suggestion of ornaments, the process of painting, a suggestion to write in the center of the plate ICANN71. In this video Natalia says thank and asks to make publications in social networks with the hashtag #EURALO_ICANN71

3. After the video Natalia ask to show the results to cameras in zoom.

Then Natalia is giving the floor to Olivier

Social Event description to include the preparation for the plate painting 

Video - done.

14:40-14:45 UTC5'A Short Story/Introduction about GEMSOlivier Crépin-Leblond

Brief introduction to Gems

Olivier hands floor over to Roberto to introduce the song!

AI - GEMS page on FB showing in zoom when Olivier speaking

14:50-14:555'GEMS Song 2Roberto, Chris, Yrjö

GEMS Song 1 - Roberto, Chris, Yrjö short greetings IN PERSON and to follow:


Robert to hand floor to Olivier



We will offer to play the game "Choose non-existent domain names".
On the board, we show a list of strange and funny domains registered in European domain zones.
There will be 30-40 domains in the list.
the task of the participants is to select non-existent domain names in a certain time (5 minutes). There are only 5 of them.
On the board, everyone can mark with a marker (or somehow highlight) these are non-existent TOP LEVEL domain names.
After 5 minutes the game host announces a stop to the game.
And he/she reports the correct answer (via the slide on the screen) and we show on the screen these 5 Non-existent names.
(the mean of the game is to collect the strangest funny domain names that exist and show them to people, to enjoy them).

3 min for people to look through the names

Raise hands to provide the answers 

DO A POLL with the percentages - 4 polls with 1 name in each 

Olivier re introduces the song again 

TOOLS - Poll

Olivier as MC

15:10-15:2515'Mini Concert from GEMS Team 

GEMS Song 1 (RE RUN) - Roberto, Chris, Yrjö short greetings IN PERSON and to follow:


ONLY playing video at this time

15:25-15:305'The End - GreetingsSébastien and NataliaSeb and NataliaGallery view