Action Items 2017-01-18 EURALO Copenhagen Meeting Activities
Action Items 2017-01-18 EURALO Copenhagen Meeting Activities
- 1.Ā Heidi UllrichĀ to check with Tanzanica/Janice for EURALO's use the ICANN information booth. The question is whether we could make use of the sofa as well or have our own sofa in the booth.
Update: ICANN booth could be used by EURALO (sharing with Fellows). Re the couch, Meetings Staff can either get a sofa or some chairs and a table.
- 2. yrjo.lansipuroĀ to explore opportunities for Nordic countries Outreach .
- 3. Gisella Gruber to note : Capacity building to be scheduledĀ at lunch and Outreach in the PM.
Note: NCUC-EURALO Outreach EventĀ to be heldĀ Saturday March 11 prepared by Tatiana - she will request commentsĀ by Friday.
- 4.Ā Silvia Vivanco to coordinate printing of EURALO flyer in languages (500 in EN and 250 likely in FR.DE, RU). Large numbers can be printed at ICANN Hub offices and Engagement offices.