Zoom Chat: EURALO Virtual General Assembly 2020 Agenda
00:24:09 Michelle DeSmyter: Hello and welcome everyone to the EURALO Virtual General Assembly!
00:26:02 ISOC Norway (Steinar GrĆøtterĆød): <COMMENT>Comment to Agenda B3: EURALO ALS: ISOC Norway did have some problems getting access to the ALS document. When access was granted, the format of the document was hard to understand, hence we have not given any updates. The format presented here is OK and we should now be able to give our input.</COMMENT>
00:30:02 Natalia Filina: merci Mr Chair!
00:30:11 LeĆ³n SĆ”nchez: Hello everyone!
00:31:15 Annette MĆ¼hlberg: Hello, LĆ©on, hello All!
00:35:48 Yuliya Morenets: Good evening to all
00:37:09 Roberto Gaetano: Agree with SeB - Trieste is a good place to be :-)
00:39:03 Olivier CrƩpin-Leblond: es you do
00:39:07 Olivier CrƩpin-Leblond: yes
00:39:10 Lutz Donnerhacke: Please do
00:40:12 Annette MĆ¼hlberg: Yes
00:40:19 Lutz Donnerhacke: @Richarda please open the member list and click there
00:40:27 Betty FAUSTA: yes
00:40:28 Ricarda Wagner: i habe no idea how to put a green tick
00:40:32 Oksana Prykhodko: yes
00:40:43 Alexei Sozonov: Yes, Hi to All)
00:40:56 Ricarda Wagner: great got it thanks
00:41:10 Ricarda Wagner: I was looking in the emojisĀ
00:41:10 Olivier CrƩpin-Leblond: alternatively just type "yes" here :-)
00:41:27 Natalia Filina: we count your green YES here, thanks-)
00:42:25 Yrjo Lansipuro: Also a green tick from Leipzig Mediastadt, from which I have a proxy
00:42:31 Erich Schweighofer: Sorry for being late - another important Task.
00:43:36 Erich Schweighofer: Thanks, SeB.
00:43:55 Annette MĆ¼hlberg: And two more green ticks in the role as proxy for FifF and Datenschutzvereinigung
00:44:29 Matthias Hudobnik: we can see you ocl
00:44:52 Gisella Gruber: 20 Voted in favour
00:45:16 SĆ©bastien Bachollet: Including proxy?
00:46:40 SĆ©bastien Bachollet: Thanks for the confidence
00:48:06 Gisella Gruber: We have noted the votes - you may remove your ticks
00:48:51 Annette MĆ¼hlberg: @Gisella, did you count all the votes in the chat?
00:50:51 Gisella Gruber: Annette - when noting votes above, was without your vote so will put revised number here now
00:53:22 SĆ©bastien Bachollet: Manal, Lito, Ron and Leon. Welcome dear Board members. Very proud to have you with us.
00:54:04 Gisella Gruber: 24 votes recorded
00:54:20 SĆ©bastien Bachollet: Chris M welcome happy to have you
00:54:39 Oksana Prykhodko: @Gisella - did you count my vote?
00:55:17 Lito Ibarra: Thanks so much, Sebastien. Very happy to be here
00:55:42 Gisella Gruber: @Oksana - yes
00:55:44 Manal Ismail: Many thanks SĆ©bastien !!
00:56:35 Oksana Prykhodko: @Gisella thank you!
00:57:51 Joanna Kulesza: Complementarly, please let me note that the CBWG is also working on a community wide expert database. Looking forward to coordinating our efforts.
01:01:58 Oksana Prykhodko: @Nataliia did you include EURALO/ICANN participation in national IGFs and national Youth IGFs?
01:02:21 Muthusamy Sivasubramanian: Sebastien, Thankyou. It is interesting to follow the Euralo GA, but apologies, I need to leave early. Thank you.
01:03:44 SĆ©bastien Bachollet: @Oksana it its in the monthly report (and in the annual one) but if we (Natalia and SeB) forget something please tell us. Thanks
01:04:24 Oksana Prykhodko: @Sebastian I am asking about 2021
01:05:06 Heidi Ullrich: Post-ATLAS III activities are at: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/ATLAS3/pages/101814915/Post-ATLAS+III+Activities
01:05:59 Heidi Ullrich: Including the Survey Analysis and Recommendations on how to engage more with the ATLAS III Ambassadors: file:///Users/heidi.ullrich/Downloads/Post-ATLASIII%20Survey%20Final%20Report%20-%20v3.1%20(1)%20(9).pdf
01:05:59 SĆ©bastien Bachollet: Please if you want to take the floor ask for!!!!
01:07:04 Joanna Kulesza: Great report @Natalia! Thank you.
01:07:59 Natalia Filina: thank yor for your support!
01:09:12 Natalia Filina: thank you very much Chris!
01:10:10 Oliver Passek: I have to leave now thanks for Reports and all the work and best wishes to everybody
01:10:43 Gisella Gruber: Thank you Oliver !
01:11:08 Natalia Filina: thank you Olivier! best wishes!
01:12:12 Natalia Filina: thank you Heidi and nice team!! for your help and organizing our work!
01:13:26 Heidi Ullrich: This year we launched the At-Large Regional Policy Engagement Program (ARPEP) which included closer relations between the regional leadership, GSE and At-Large staff support.
01:13:33 Heidi Ullrich: The workspace is at: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/CRALO/pages/98637411/At-Large+Regional+Policy+Engagement+Program+ARPEP
01:14:17 Miguel Perez SubĆas: I wanted to raise the creation of a working group to study the European strategy on data and how we can contribute from Euralo to this process, starting by commenting on the Data Governance Act just published by the European Commission and other possible initiatives in this area. Is it interesting? How to proceed to start this working on this issue?
01:15:47 Goran Marby: Hi all
01:16:00 Michelle DeSmyter: Welcome Goran!
01:17:41 Joanna Kulesza: Interesting idea Miguel. thank you for putting it forward.
01:18:41 Gisella Gruber: Thank you all and now for the Round Table - Warm Welcome to our guests
01:18:52 Goran Marby: About the new proposed laws in Europe. We are tracking and will as we do update the community about our findings
01:19:21 Claudia Ruiz: We can hear you
01:19:39 Matthias Hudobnik: data governance act and digital services act
01:20:00 Matthias Hudobnik: you mean goran?
01:20:07 Heidi Ullrich: Safe travels, See!
01:20:09 Goran Marby: Yes, there is also a proposal coming about Cyber Sec
01:20:25 Goran Marby: And a new proposal for the NIS directice
01:20:36 Matthias Hudobnik: indeed
01:22:41 Oksana Prykhodko: @Goran we (in Ukraine) are extremely interested to discuss Digital Service Act, new proposals to NIS, e-Privacy directive and other new EU legislative initiatives!
01:25:03 Goran Marby: This is our last paper we did about it: https://www.icann.org/en/system/files/files/ge-004-15jul20-en.pdf
01:25:41 SĆ©bastien Bachollet: Thanks Goran
01:25:55 Goran Marby: We will update (but not before Christmasā¦)
01:26:45 SĆ©bastien Bachollet: Welcome Maureen, Goran, Maarten, Leon and Natalia. Very happy to have you with us today
01:27:29 Maarten Botterman: Happy to be hear - always good to engage with you
01:28:54 Natalia Filina: maybe the best company, team and place to spend this night, Sebastien! thank YOU!
01:31:42 SĆ©bastien Bachollet: Natalia you are the next (5ā)
01:32:00 Natalia Filina: yes, I am-)
01:34:06 Oksana Prykhodko: @Goran it's just a virus - why ICANN can't fix problems with virus?))))
01:34:26 Oksana Prykhodko: ))))
01:41:16 Goran Marby: Thanks!
01:43:01 Christopher Mondini: Well said, Natalia. Never let a good crisis go to waste!
01:43:57 Maureen Hilyard: LOL Chris!!
01:44:02 Heidi Ullrich: Thank you, EURALO, for your innovation! The European Roundtable hosted by EURALO during ICANN69 was widely seen as a big success. Joannaās sessions during ICANN68 and ICANN69 had some of the highest participation numbers. Also, EURALO held two ALS post-69 read outs.
01:44:27 Maureen Hilyard: +1 Heidi
01:44:29 SĆ©bastien Bachollet: Thanks Heidi
01:44:30 Heidi Ullrich: You are setting bar very high.
01:46:30 Roberto Gaetano: He did not say, but he might have meant itĀ
01:46:30 Natalia Filina: I have it too!
01:47:05 Abdulkarim Oloyede: Congrats Seb and the team, Apologies I have to go now.
01:47:56 Gisella Gruber: Thank you Abdulkarim!
01:48:57 Natalia Filina: to use all opportunities, yes!-) Thanks @Chris!-)
01:53:04 Heidi Ullrich: @Maarten, correct LACRALO will be hosting a roundtable based on the successful session hosted by EURALO.
01:53:40 Heidi Ullrich: As one of their sessions during ICANN70.
01:53:58 Olivier CrƩpin-Leblond: Let's have a PDP or a CCWG on making the earth flat & 1 time zone only. ;-)
01:54:16 Goran Marby: Swenglish
01:54:42 Maarten Botterman: FOr me it is "double Dutch" ;-)
01:54:42 Goran Marby: You know that ICANN controls time?
01:55:33 Goran Marby: And that was not a full jokeā¦
01:55:39 Goran Marby: http://www.iana.org/time-zones
01:56:03 Olivier CrƩpin-Leblond: indeed!
01:56:04 Lutz Donnerhacke: Goran. That's not ICANN ā¦ literaly
01:56:11 Betty FAUSTA: just to share that LACRALO meeting is inclusive and members can speak in main UN languages. they are positive and sharing. as French Caribbean is a real opportunities because we have many challenges common for our regions
01:56:26 Goran Marby: Lutz, do not understand?
01:56:46 Betty FAUSTA: I think EURALO can copy the meeting example with adigo and translation
01:56:51 Maureen Hilyard: Sounds so familiar, Leon :)
01:57:00 Roberto Gaetano: @Gƶran - Mission creep?!?
01:57:03 Lutz Donnerhacke: The history of this registry is long and not subject of ICANN PDPs
01:57:19 SĆ©bastien Bachollet: Yes Goran you can stop the time and all will be solving our issues about jet lag ;)
01:57:32 Betty FAUSTA: Natalia thanks for the newsletters. hope to help more in 2021
01:57:58 Goran Marby: Sometimes when I do zoom meetings it feels like time slows down.
01:58:05 Natalia Filina: thanks a lot @Betty!
01:58:24 Marita Moll: No longer jet lag -- we can call it net lag!
01:58:41 Maureen Hilyard: Very appropriate, Marita
01:58:50 Lutz Donnerhacke: Turn off your Video and take a nap. That's something you can't do on the plenum
01:59:02 Betty FAUSTA: so the COVID was a bad impact for fellows.. we learning and understand less... everything is complexe and inclusive binput of real meeting is in remplacable
01:59:10 Goran Marby: Just because something is not under a PDP does not mean that ICANN does not do it.
01:59:40 Goran Marby: IANA is a part of ICANNĀ“s mission.
01:59:50 Lutz Donnerhacke: IBTD on the time zone registry. It's only a trusted storage.
02:00:43 Lutz Donnerhacke: We do not have a penny on the content
02:01:46 Betty FAUSTA: and o think more than ever ICANN need more mentor to help for a better inclusion fellows and newbees
02:02:15 Natalia Filina: we are working on it in euralo too @Betty
02:02:35 Goran Marby: And Lutz, you are right. We are a place we where store something that does not originates from us.
02:03:38 Betty FAUSTA: ok @Sebastian. I used the chat
02:04:16 SĆ©bastien Bachollet: Thanks Betty
02:04:46 Marita Moll: A key element in all this is the social capital we build when we are together f2f. So far, we have been riding on this wave. We hope it won't last long enough to run out of steam
02:05:06 Marita Moll: The co-vid situation, I mean
02:05:27 Roberto Gaetano: @Marita - you have a point, it canāt go on like that forever
02:05:50 Maureen Hilyard: Learning from each other within At-Large extends, as Manal explains, to sharing views and experiences with other constituencies, such as the GAC.
02:06:29 LeĆ³n SĆ”nchez: Completely agree @Marita. Interaction is an essential part of how we do things and how we reach agreements.
02:06:35 Maureen Hilyard: Thank you Sebastien
02:06:39 Roberto Gaetano: There is a āCOVID-fatigueā. In Italy, for instance, the response by the people during this second wave is already different from the excellent response in the first wave
02:06:59 Roberto Gaetano: And I assume that this will apply worldwide, it is a human nature
02:07:40 Marita Moll: @Roberto --happening here too (Canada)
02:08:33 Erich Schweighofer: GDPR exists but EU is moving on - Data Governance is the catchword. Thus - look to the future.
02:10:17 Maureen Hilyard: Data Governance is more meaningful than when people see GDPR - another acronym
02:10:18 Manal Ismail: @Roberto indeed .. happening everywhere .. itās a human nature ..
02:10:25 LeĆ³n SĆ”nchez: Standard joke Gƶran
02:10:35 Annette MĆ¼hlberg: @Erich - Data Governance on the basis of the GDPR...
02:11:10 Joanna Kulesza: the Budapest convention additional protocol reinstalling whois might effectively add to this challenge. Interesting times ahead.
02:12:35 Oksana Prykhodko: @Joanna there are (there is) European countries, which only formally implemented Budapest convention(((((
02:13:33 Heidi Ullrich: See ICANNās announcement on its response to the to the European Commissionās Public Consultation on Standard Contractual Clauses for Transferring Personal Data to Non-EU Countries at: https://www.icann.org/news/announcement-2020-12-10-en
02:14:35 Frederic Taes: IMHO, future of GDPR is endangered by the pressure of weakening encryption and lawful access, which could open doors to misuse and even more crime.
02:15:39 Matthias Hudobnik: thank you goran for your interesting thoughts and answer!
02:17:27 Marita Moll: Goran offered an excellent challenge in his response. We should keep it in mind
02:17:51 Heidi Ullrich: Thanks very much to everyone. Thanks to the presenters for their excellent comments.
02:18:17 Heidi Ullrich: Happy holidays - and hope to see you in 2021!
02:18:23 Oksana Prykhodko: @Maureen thank you very-very much for your care to all members of At-Large community!
02:18:24 Matthias Hudobnik: Indeed, you are right Marita!
02:18:29 ISOC Norway (Steinar GrĆøtterĆød): Stay safe! Have a great holiday
02:18:43 Annette MĆ¼hlberg: Thank you all!
02:18:47 Silvia Vivanco: Congratulations EURALO on your virtual GA 2020 !
02:18:53 Goran Marby: Maybe you can set up a session with me where you can ask any question you want
02:18:54 Seun Ojedeji: thank you all
02:18:59 Seun Ojedeji: and regards from AFRALO
02:19:07 Lito Ibarra: Thank you everyone. Take care and enjoy the season
02:19:14 Yrjo Lansipuro: Happy and safe holidays!
02:19:18 Marita Moll: Great round table. See you all soon -- relatively soon.
02:19:29 Oksana Prykhodko: @Goran YES!!!!
02:19:30 David Olive: Happy Holidays and Happy New Year 2021
02:19:36 Olivier CrƩpin-Leblond: Challenging times indeed, but it is amazing to see how resilient the ICANN Community and At-Large in particular, has been able to navigate these difficult times
02:19:47 ADAM PEAKE: And about 2km from my new apartment, and you will all be welcome for a drink, ICANN71 or 74 :-)
02:19:47 Manal Ismail: Happy Holidays .. Stay Safe Everyone !!
02:19:48 Heidi Ullrich: +1 Olivier!
02:19:52 Gisella Gruber: Thank you all very much for joining! It was a pleasure seeing and/or hearing you. Happy Holidays and looking forward to working with you in 2021
02:19:57 joan francesc gras: Have a great holiday from ISOC-CAT. Thank you all and Happy New Year 2021
02:19:58 Pari Esfandiari: Thank you to all, Sebastian, it is a very welcoming community and I am proud to be here. Thank you Goran and martin,
02:19:59 Maureen Hilyard: Yes have a great holiday and keep safe
02:20:12 Silvia Vivanco: Happy Holidays all!
02:20:13 LeĆ³n SĆ”nchez: Eloise!!
02:20:15 Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong: thanks and happy new Year
02:20:20 Maarten Botterman: I see two Gisella's :-)
02:20:23 LeĆ³n SĆ”nchez: Hello beautiful girl!
02:20:25 Oksana Prykhodko: Thank you all, happy holidays, bye!
02:20:36 Seun Ojedeji: bye
02:20:37 Betty FAUSTA: au-revoir
02:20:38 Matthias Hudobnik: thank you all and hope seeing you soon in personĀ
02:20:39 Frederic Taes: Thank you all for this GA and session, I'm only discovering Euralo and ALAC, it was great to hear all those top speakers! Many thanks! :-)
02:20:39 Pari Esfandiari: Happy new yera
02:20:42 Ron da Silva: cheers
02:20:44 Betty FAUSTA: bonnes fĆŖtes