EURALO Board 2019-2021 Workspace

EURALO Board 2019-2021 Workspace

Welcome to the 2019-2021 EURALO Board Workspace!

Reference documents:

EURALO Articles of Association

Selection and performance criteria for EURALO Board members 2015

Board Members:

The following members are elected as the EURALO Board Members for a period of two years beginning in January 2020. 

Name Country
Anne-Marie JolyFrance
Lutz DonnerhackeGermany
Màté MesterHungary
Ricardo HolmquistSpain
Wale BakareUnited Kingdon 

Ex-Officio Members:

Joanna KuleszaALAC
Bastiaan GoslingsALAC (2018-2020 AGM)
Pari EsfandiariALAC (2020 - 2022 AGM)
Matthias HudobnikALAC
Erich SchweighoferNomCom (2020 AGM)
Sébastien BacholletNomCom (2020-2021 AGM)
Yrjö LänsipuroGAC Liaison 
Andrei KolesnikovSSAC Liaison
Olivier Crépin-LeblondEx Chair of Euralo 
Roberto GaetanoChair Euralo Individual Users Association

Board Meetings

Call for nominations:

The current EURALO Board term ends on 9 December 2019. EURALO's Chair and Secretariat would like to announce a call for nominations to fill Board positions for the next 2 years (10 December 2019 – 9 December 2021). This call is made in accordance with the EURALO Articles of Association and Selection and performance criteria for EURALO Board members 2015. In addition, there is a need to for Board members as a whole to share responsibilities with the EURALO Chair and Secretariat in assuming the following topics:

  1. Legal issues
  2. Policy Development
  3. Communication including leading the work on the EURALO website/WIKI/Facebook page.
  4. Outreach with communities outside ICANN

Please note the rules and agreements applicable to this election at: http://atlarge-lists.icann.org/pipermail/euro-discuss/2015-November/004161.html. In accordance with these agreements, kindly note:

  1. The size of the EURALO Board will be 3-7 members, plus ex-officio, the EURALO Chair and EURALO Secretary;
  2. There should be a maximum limit of 1 Board member per country;
  3. As is the usual custom in votes involving people, votes will take place by secret ballot;
  4. The Board will be selected for a two-years-term; and as a novelty: not performing Board members can be recalled after one year to allow to be replaced by better candidates.

The EURALO Board should be balanced but EURALO has not reached a consensus on having direct absolute criteria for geographical (East/Western Europe) or gender criteria. As geographical and gender balance are important in our region, I ask you to consider these issues when making your selection.

Please submit your nominations and self-nominations starting Monday 9 December until Friday 13 December 23:59 UTC  by sending an email to the EURALO mailing list and copying At-Large staff staff@atlarge.icann.org .  All candidates who accept their nominations by the deadline above must submit an Expression of Interest (EOI). To read the Expression of Interest Statements from Board members please visit: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/3jRKBg

Due to the timing of the IGF 2019 in Berlin, the EURALO Board Elections are slightly delayed.

Please note the current Board will remain in place until the new Board is elected.

Amended - Vote to start on Monday, 13 January 2020 at 23:55 UTC and close on Friday, 17 January 2020 23:59 UTC


CandidateALSNominated by

Country of Origin/

Country of Residence

Expression of Interest
Jean-Jacques SubrenatEURALO Individuals' AssociationSelf-nominationFranceEOI
Clément GentyEURALO Individuals' AssociationSelf-nominationFranceEOI
Máté MesterEURALO Individuals' AssociationRoberto GaetanoHungaryEOI
Wale BakareEURALO Individuals' AssociationSelf-nominationNigeria / United KingdomEOI
Lutz DonnerhackeFörderverein Informationstechnik und Gesellschaft e.VNatalia FilinaGermanyEOI
Anne-Marie JolyE-SeniorsNatalia FilinaFranceEOI
Ricardo HolmquistEURALO Individuals' AssociationNatalia FilinaVenezuela / SpainEOI

Ex-Officio Members:

Joanna KuleszaALAC
Bastiaan GoslingsALAC (2018-2020 AGM)
Pari EsfandiariALAC (2020 - 2022 AGM)
Matthias HudobnikALAC
Erich SchweighoferNomCom (2020 AGM)
TBC NomCom (2020-2021 AGM)
Yrjö LänsipuroGAC Liaison 
Andrei KolesnikovSSAC Liaison
Olivier Crépin-LeblondEx Chair of Euralo 
Roberto GaetanoChair Euralo Individual Users Association

VOTE RESULTS - announced 21 January 2020:

The following members are elected as the EURALO Board Members for a period of two years beginning in January 2020. 

  • Anne-Marie Joly (France)
  • Lutz Donnerhacke (Germany)
  • Màté Mester (Hungary)
  • Ricardo Holmquist (Spain)
  • Wale Bakare (United Kingdom)