Agenda 2018 EURALO General Assembly

Agenda 2018 EURALO General Assembly

Day: Wednesday 24 October

Time: 17:00-18:30 CEST (15:00-16:30 UTC)

Room: 116 (ALAC)

Recordings & Transcripts: EN, ES, FR

DRAFT AGENDA : (90 minutes)

 A.  Standing issues (20 minutes)

1. Opening, Welcome to Group

 (and to Special Guests, Jean-Jacques Sahel, VP Stakeholder Engagement Europe, Alexandra Kulikova, Leon Felipe Sanchez (ICANN Board), Alan Greenberg (ALAC Chair) and Maureen Hilyard (incoming ALAC Chair) 

2. Confirmation of attending members and apologies

Both in the room and online.

3. Confirmation of the Assembly Quorum - Articles 11.7 - 11.22.1

See : Articles of Association

11.16 The General Assembly shall have a quorum if at least one third of the ALS members are present or participating.

 Both in the room and online.

4. Adoption of the proposed Agenda

5. Adoption of the Meeting minutes from the last GA 2017, Copenhagen (part 1 and part 2)

Links to transcripts and recordings  posted : https://icann58copenhagen2017.sched.com/event/9vR7

6. Guest speakers

a.  Alan Greenberg (ALAC Chair)

b. Maureen Hilyard  (incoming ALAC Chair) -  (10 minutes, 5 minutes each)

B.      Proposed agenda items (70 minutes)

7. Discussion and adoption of the EURALO Annual Report 2017 - 2018 (10 minutes)

8.   Briefing on the EURALO Bylaws Task Force

a. Presentation and discussion of the draft new EURALO By Laws , see draft at: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1HGLLb3YRcF18tJK5hgz_Vtt5uDC5l6TQgW6yhamyxNE/edit)

9. Briefing on the EURALO ALS engagement Task Force  - Yrjö Lansipuro 

10. Outline of the EURALO CROP concept FY 2019 and evaluation of the results of CROP funding - Olivier Crepin Leblond and Matthias Hudobnik 

11. EURALO’s FY19 Outreach strategy

In coordination with ICANN’s European strategy, Guest speaker Jean-Jacques Sahel, VP Stakeholder Engagement Europe and  Alexandra Kulikova VP Eastern Europe, Russia & Central Asia, GSE - Russia CIS (15 minutes)

12. Guest speaker Leon Felipe Sanchez, ICANN Board. 

13. EURALO Hot topics document and next steps - Olivier Crepin-Leblond.

14.  Any Other Business


  • EURALO Articles of Association discussion - Jean-Jacques Subrenat suggested that the EURALO By Laws Task Force examine advantages, constraints and costs of having a postal and/or physical address in Switzerland,  including mailboxes. Postal address http://www.maildrop.ch [maildrop.ch] and for a physical address: https://myswissmailaddress.com/en [myswissmailaddress.com]
  • Annette Mühlberg suggested including a treasurer in the new Articles of Association for EURALO.
  • EURALO to ask further clarification for the rationale of not having the address at ICANN offices while not having a Bank account. 
  • The WG of Task Force on At-Large Structure (ALS) engagement will update the EURALO ALSes Expertise Table.

  • Jean Jacques Sahel and EURALO leaders to hold a planning call on Outreach strategies after ICANN 63.

  • Staff to correct the date on the FY19 EURALO Strategic Plan – Easter European DNS Forum which will take place in December not in November.

  • Gisella Gruber to check that the telephone dial-up is linked to a specific language channel and not just the floor at Face to Face meetings.