2015 EURALO Secretariat Monthly Reports

2015 EURALO Secretariat Monthly Reports

December 2015

As indicated in our previous reports, EURALO concentrated its activities during December on the election of the next EURALO Board. The voting was conducted Online via a tool and out of the nine candidates the following members were elected by following the criteria set before (regional balance etc.):

-       Jordi Iparraguirre (Spain)

-       Yrjö Länsipuro (Finland)

-       Mikhail Medrish (Russia)

-       Annette Mühlberg (Germany)

-       Matthieu Camus (France)

Other activities focused on round-ups from 2015 and the Dublin General Assembly and planning for the upcoming year 2016.

November 2015

EURALO’s November call concentrated basically on a wrap-up from the recent Dublin GA and related action items like:

The selection of the new EURALO Board was postponed in Dublin due to time constraints. Meanwhile, a list of candidates, submitted to the GA already, was amended by countries and forwarded again together with the performance criteria for new Board members. Prior to and during the November call suggestions were made to reduce the next Board to 5 members only (according to the minimum size prescribed by the Bylaws) plus the EURALO leadership as “Ex-officio” or non-voting members. As there are several candidates from the same countries on the list (total 9 candidates), it was decided to choose one candidate by country only while reflecting gender and regional balance criteria. The BP voting tool prepared by Staff was configured accordingly to allow up to 5 candidates max. and one per country only for each voter (electorate currently 34 voters). To achieve a representative / sufficient quorum for this Board voting, it was decided that a minimum of 18 voters during the one-week-period is needed. The voting will start on 30 November until 7 December and all ALS representatives will get the infos summarized above together with their voting credentials. Further details see:


October 2015

As indicated in our reports from previous months, EURALO concentrated its activities during October on its 8th General Assembly (GA) which was conducted F2F inline with ICANN’s 54 meeting in Dublin. EURALO organized its GA in two parts: a content-based session on the Public Interest and a regular part according to usual business and Bylaw prescriptions. The GA agenda you can find here:


For the content session EURALO presented a Thesis paper on the Public Interest which was discussed and approved by attending members. It was agreed to submit this input paper to other RALOs asking for further inputs from other regions and to prepare a more comprehensive document for consideration by ALAC. For this purpose it was suggested to create a ALAC-wide working group on the topic.

In the following regular GA part EURALO members discussed and approved the Annual Report 2014-15, reflected on improved In- and Outreach and elected a new leadership team. Olivier Crepin-Leblond (former ALAC member) was confirmed by acclamation as the next EURALO Chair, Wolf Ludwig (outgoing Chair) was elected by a large majority (with one dissenting vote and three abstentions) for the next Secretariat – both functions for a two-years term. Due to time constraints, it was decided to select the new EURALO Board via a subsequent Online voting. The assembly thanked the outgoing Secretariat Yuliya Morenets for her work and term.