2012 Secretariat Monthly Reports
December 2012
At the beginning of the last month of this year Sandra and Wolf participated at a meeting of the European Internet Foundation (EIF) in Brussels to intensify contacts with European Members of Parliament (MEP) on behalf of EuroDIG and EURALO. Some of our members participated at the World Conference on International Telecommunications (WCIT-12) in Dubai/UAE, from 3-14 December 2012 – Wolfgang Kleinwächter (German delegation), Olivier Crepin-Leblond (UK delegation), Bill Drake (US delegation) and Avri Doria (WTSA delegation). This shows again the level of expertise assembled at EURALO. At its last monthly call of the year EURALO started with planning of the next year, in particular the next ICANN supported F2F General Assembly (GA) early June 2013 in Lisbon – in line with EuroDIG 2013 - and other forthcoming challenges. Finally and at the end of the year we note with pleasure that we received three new ALS applications from Germany, Switzerland and Bulgaria – the DD procedure will be conducted over the next weeks.
November 2012
As stated in the last report, EURALO was well represented at the 7th IGF in Baku with various activities. Wolf drafted a planning (master plan) for our 2013 GA in line with the next EuroDIG early June in Lisbon what will be supported and funded by ICANN again. The planning for Lisbon will be discussed during our next monthly calls to be adopted by the end of year. As the next GA will be the first F2F members meeting after Mexico-City in March 2009, it will be a major challenge for EURALO to invite and mobilize as many of its members as possible for Lisbon and to improve regular participation of its ALSes. By the end of month, we received another ALS application from dotHIV, a non-profit network based in Berlin, Germany.
October 2012
EURALO’s October activities were marked by our attendance at ICANN 45 in Toronto (Olivier, Jean-Jacques, Sandra, Oksana, Wolf, Bill, Wolfgang, Yrjö, Desiree and Rudi) and intensive discussions of the Toronto agenda items; Siranush and Veronica couldn’t join due to visa problems. EURALO noted with pleasure that Yrjö Länsipuro (ISOC Finland) was selected for the new NomCom Chair (2012-13). Furthermore, some members were closely involved in preparations for this year’s Internet Governance Forum (IGF) at the beginning of November in Baku, Azerbaijan, where other RALOs and ALAC showed a remarkable presence. Oksana, Sandra, Yuliya organized and conducted Workshops there. Sandra and Wolf represented EuroDIG with a boot and WS in Baku. EURALO started its preliminary planning for 2013 and its next General Assembly (GA) in summer in Lisbon.
September 2012
Among the key topics of this month were preparations for ICANN 45 in Toronto middle of October. The ICANN Academy pilot foreseen for Toronto was postponed to ICANN 46 in Beijing. Lead by Sandra Hoferichter, discussions will continue in Toronto (Wednesday, 17 October 7:00-10:00 AM) and afterwards on needs and approaches from other constituencies and how to organize a common understanding on curricula, methods and tools.
When Rudi Vansnick resigned from various Working groups where he represented EURALO (after his election to the ISOC BoT), we had to organize replacements. Other pending questions are e.g. the creation of a particular ALS for individual members and the discussion on how to deal with non-responding ALSes. During the monthly call it was decided that EURALO will start with a suggested 7 step procedure what may result in a decertification by ALAC that was outlined and discussed before. Other RALOs may choose other approaches.
By the end of month the 3rd Ukrainian IGF and Forum “Media for information society” took place in Kiev with participation of Olivier Crepin-Leblond and Sebastien Bachollet. More information can be found on: igf-ua.org and euromediaplatform.org
August 2012
Besides our regular monthy call (3rd Tuesday each month), we launched a call for nominations for one (out of two) regional selected ALAC members. Sandra Hoferichter, the incumbent who did an excellent job during her first term, was broadly re-approved for a second term. Sandra is the driving force behind the proposal for an ICANN Academy and Chair of the related ALAC WG. A first pilot of this project will be organized at the upcoming ICANN 45 in Toronto in October. EURALO nominated its next regional delegate for the NomCom 2013. After two broadly appreciated years, Yrjö Lansipuro could not be re-nominated (without a break) and the new regional nominee – to be selected by ALAC – is Veronica Cretu, a previous ALAC member from Moldavia. On 23 - 24 August, the 12th meeting of the ICANN-Studienkreis was convened in Oslo, Norway, with around 80 participants and an interesting program on current ICANN issues. See: http://www.icann-studienkreis.net/
July 2012
As every year, EURALO was involved in the European Summer School on Internet Governance (EuroSSIG) held in Meissen / Germany during the last week of July. For its 6th edition, EuroSSIG received 110 applications from various countries all over the world. Out of this, 25 applicants were approved representing 22 countries, from Malaysia, India, Comoros Islands, Botswana, Burundi, Niger, Brazil and Peru etc. with a majority from Europe (Armenia, Albania, France, Germany, Norway, Serbia and Ukraine). Over the years, EuroSSIG with its unique faculty became a most cherished advanced training opportunity on the particularities of Internet Governance with more than 175 fellows from all over the world. See: http://www.euro-ssig.eu/
June 2012
As indicated in the previous reports, EURALO had two highlights this month: its 5th annual General Assembly (GA) in the eve of the EuroDIG in Stockholm what was well attended by around ten of our members (what means a good quorum in regard of a non-funded meeting). During ICANN 44 at the end of June EURALO organized and conducted the 10th ALAC Anniversary event in Prague what became a success for the whole community and was much appreciated. Wolfgang Kleinwächter elucidated the role and vivid history of the user representation at ICANN over the years. Olivier Crepin-Leblond spoke about ALAC's further mission and vision. See: ALAC Anniversary Event Schedule - June 2012
May 2012
This month’s activities were marked by follow ups of previous engagements (EuroDIG and Prague preparations). As EURALO will convene its next (5th) annual General Assembly (GA) in the eve of the upcoming EuroDIG in Stockholm, a first announcement and invitation to member ALSes was sent in time (according to our Bylaws regulations) four weeks prior to the event. Several EURALO members participated in the WSIS Forum and the IGF open consultations in Geneva. We are confident that around ten members may make it to our GA on 13 June in Stockholm attending the following EuroDIG. We noted with pleasure that the GA in 2013 (inline with the following EuroDIG) will be funded by ICANN and thus enabling a broader participation of our members (the first GA after Mexico-City in March 2009).
April 2012
We noticed with pleasure that several EURALO members were selected for the new composition of the IGF Multi-Stakeholder Advisory group (MAG): Veronica Cretu, Bill Drake, Yuliya Morenets, besides some other members involved at ALAC. EURALO members continued with further EuroDIG programming and organization (particularly Sandra and Wolf providing the Secretariat). For the preparation of the ALAC Anniversary event in June in Prague, an organization team was created to discuss conceptual issues at a separate call. Several EURALO members participated at ISOC’s Global INET conference (22 – 24 April) in Geneva.
March 2012
In March several EURALO members participated at the ICANN 43 meeting in Costa Rica with various sessions on user-related questions. Besides our monthly call and agenda, EURALO members were closely involved at the preparation process of the upcoming EuroDIG in June in Stockholm (Yrjö, Yuliya, Veronica, Rudi, Sandra and Wolf). Furthermore, we had intensive discussions with At-Large Staff whether to organize another EURALO showcase at the ICANN 44 meeting in summer in Prague. This idea was discarded due to the fact, that EURALO wouldn’t have any financial support from ICANN again to organize a real showcase in the sense including all of its members. As an alternative, the option of organizing an ALAC Anniversary event (10 years) was discussed and verified.
February 2012
This monthly report concentrates on a few elements of EURALO’s activities, as an update from and announced in the January report.
EURALO members were actively involved in organizing the Safer Internet Day (SID) on 7 February in Leipzig / Germany. The 2012 SID in Leipzig was a full success with a prior video competition among students and a presentation of 30 selected videos in a local high school. The very evening there was a penal discussion organized in the city centre with participation of EURALO. More details you can find under http://www.mitteldeutsches-internetforum.de/
EURALO members actively participated in the 2nd EuroDIG preparatory meeting in line with the IGF Open Consultations and the MAG meeting in Geneva on 14 – 16 February (Avri, Bill, Desiré, Sandra, Yrjö and Wolf). This prep. meeting concentrated on the further discussion of a program outline for the EuroDIG 2012 in June in Stockholm. More details you can find under http://www.eurodig.org/
The application process for the European Summer School on Internet Governance (EuroSSIG) has opened now – interested students can apply via http://www.euro-ssig.eu/
EURALO conducted its monthly call on Tuesday 21 February – more details you can see in the meeting minutes. EURALO and its ALAC members are now preparing to join the next ICANN 43 Costa Rica meeting from 11 – 16 March.
February Report in Russian
Январь 2012
За время новогодних праздников нами было создано два новых инструмента коммуникации в целях дальнейшего расширения нашей аудитории:
Facebook http://www.facebook.com/pages/Euralo/194774283951550 and
LinkedIn http://www.linkedin.com/groups/European-Regional-AtLarge-Organization-4235001
что получило поддержку со стороны всего сообщества EURALO
Январская активность EURALO и очередная телеконференция (17 января) были сфокусированы на определении приоритетов для 2012 года:
Предложения EURALO на 2012 -2013 Финансовый год ICANN
Поскольку в прошлые годы наши финансовые запросы не привели к должному результату, и, поскольку в 2011 -2012 годах никакой финансовой поддержки оказано не было, EURALO не будет проводить свою Генеральную Ассамблею, а также свои «показательные выступления» в ходе 44 конференции ICANN в июне 2012 года в Европе / Праге. По договоренности с персоналом ICANN At-Large, мы решили сконцентрировать все свои усилия на подаче двух заявок:
а) на финансирование участия членов EURALO в ICANN-Studienkreis в конце августа 2012 года в Осло (Норвегия);
б) и на организацию личной встречи членов EURALO в ходе следующего EuroDIG в 2013 году (место проведения еще предстоит уточнить).
Рабочая группа по ICANN Academy
Члены EURALO активно участвуют в различных телеконференциях этой рабочей группы, для того, чтобы доработать и завершить представление проектного предложения ALAC по созданию ICANN Academy, а также по запуску ее первой пилотной версии осенью 2012 года в Торонто. Эта рабочая группа возглавляется и руководится Сандрой Хоферихтер.
Подготовительная встреча EuroDIG в Стокгольме
Члены EURALO (Сандра, Оксана, Вольф) активно участвовали 18-19 января в Подготовительной встрече EuroDIG в Стокгольме. Еще несколько членов организации представили свои предложения по повестке дня EuroDIG в процессе принятия заявок. Дальнейшие подробности процесса подготовки EuroDIG и самые важные вехи размещены на сайте http://www.eurodig.org/
Члены EURALO также активно участвуют в проведении следующего дня Безопасного Интернета в Лейпциге (и не только, больше подробностей в следующем отчете).
Члены EURALO (Макс, Аннет, Вольфганг и Вольф) также принимают участие в 5-й инициативе Google’s Co:llaboratory Internet & Society on “Human Rights and the Internet”, которая проходит с января-месяца по 12 марта в Берлине).
EURALO получило новую заявку на вступление от Австрийской ячейки Wikimedia, которая сейчас проходит стандартную процедуру рассмотрения.
Отдельные члены EURALO приняли участие в различных инициативах и действиях с целью остановить SOPA, PIPA, ACTA, в виду того, что эти законы и договоры существенно нарушают права Интернет-пользователей, в том числе и на доступ к Интернету.
EURALO продолжает планирование на 2012 год таких важных мероприятий, как EuroDIG 2012 и Генеральная Ассамблея EURALO в Стокгольме в июне 2012, плюс участие в Майсенской школе EuroSSIG (Германия, июль-месяц) и ICANN-Studienkreis в Осло/Норвегия в конце августа, а также во всех конференциях ICANN в 2012 году в Коста-Рике, Праге и Торонто.
EURALO настоятельно рекомендует ознакомиться со статьей Вольфганга Кляйнвахтера «Что ожидает Управление Интернетом в 2012 году – «холодная война» или конструктивный диалог?», которую можно найти по следующей ссылке
January 2012
Over the seasonal holidays, we created two new communication and outreach tools on
Facebook http://www.facebook.com/pages/Euralo/194774283951550 and
LinkedIn http://www.linkedin.com/groups/European-Regional-AtLarge-Organization-4235001
what found some approval in the broader EURALO community.
EURALO’s January activities and the monthly conference call (17 January) focused on the following activities and priorities for 2012:
EURALO proposals for ICANN’s Fiscal Year planning 2012-13
As our requests for previous years were not “crowned with success” and there won’t be any financial support for the current FY (2011-12), EURALO will not organize its 2012 General Assembly inline with the 44 ICANN meeting in June 2012 in Europe / Prague and cannot offer a next Showcase there. In coordination with At-Large Staff, we concentrated on submitting two new requests for a) sponsorships of EURALO members for the ICANN-Studienkreis 2012 late August in Oslo / Norway, and b) organizing a Face-to-Face GA 2013 inline with the annual EuroDIG (at a place TBC).
WG on ICANN Academy
EURALO members actively participated in various WG calls to substantiate and finalize the ALAC project proposal / initiative to create an ICANN Academy and to launch a 1st pilot in autumn 2012 in Toronto. This WG is chaired and driven by Sandra Hoferichter.
EuroDIG Preparatory meeting in Stockholm
EURALO members (Sandra, Oksana and Wolf) actively participated at the EuroDIG Preparatory meeting 18-19 January in Stockholm. Some more members submitted proposals for the next EuroDIG 12 agenda during the call period. More details on the current EuroDIG preparation process and the Milestones to Stockholm in June 2012 can be found on the Website http://www.eurodig.org/
EURALO members were actively involved in organizing the next Safer Internet Day (SID) on 7 February in Leipzig / Germany (further details in the February report).
EURALO members (Max, Annette, Wolfgang and Wolf) are participating at the 5th Initiative of Google’s Co:llaboratory Internet & Society on “Human Rights and the Internet” (January – March 12) based in Berlin.
EURALO received a new ALS application from the Wikimedia Chapter Austria which is undergoing the regular DD procedure at the moment.
Some EURALO members participated in various initiatives and networks to Stop SOPA, PIPA and ACTA because respective laws and treaties will severely violate access and user rights on the Internet.
EURALO continues in drafting its 2012 planning with foreseeable highlights like EuroDIG 2012 and GA in Stockholm (June), EuroSSIG Meissen / Germany (July) and ICANN-Studienkreis in Oslo / Norway (August) besides its participation at ALAC and 2012 ICANN meetings (Costa Rica, Prague and Toronto).
EURALO strongly recommends reading of Wolfgang Kleinwächter’s article “Internet Governance Outlook 2012: Cold War or Constructive Dialogue?”, (part 1 and 2) published at http://news.dot-nxt.com/2012/01/10/ig-outlook-2012-part-one