2025-01-27 RDRS Standing Committee - Meeting #24

2025-01-27 RDRS Standing Committee - Meeting #24

The call will take place on Monday, 27 January 2025 at 17:30 UTC for 60 minutes.

For other places see: https://tinyurl.com/rp2v6y5s


  1. Welcome (2min)
  2. RDRS Final Report (40min)
    1. Review of Comments – Chapter 1
    2. Update on Draft Chapter 2
  3. RDRS registrar enhancement (5min)
  4. RDRS related events (10min)
  5. AOB (3min)



Apologies: Steve Crocker



Audio Recording

Zoom Recording

GNSO transcripts are located on the GNSO Calendar

Notes/ Action Items

Important Documents for RDRS final report review:

Action Items:

Review Draft Chapter 1: 

  • Review the text and comments in draft Chapter 1 by Friday, 31 January COB. SC is kindly asked to suggest what should be kept, removed, modified or added in the draft chapter. SC is kindly asked to make sure that the SC views are characterized correctly in the document, SC is asked to suggest language to something it can accept.
  • Consider adding a Sankey visualization for clarity based on 1 year RDRS usage data. Gabriel agreed to provide a version for consideration. 

Preparation for Draft Chapter 2: 

  • SC members are kindly asked to go back to the RDRS Workbook [docs.google.com] and check thetabs Registrars and Requestor. In those Tabs, SC members are kindly asked to check if there are remaining system enhancement proposals that are associated with them and add in the comment column if they want the proposal to be reflected in the final report or if the proposal can be revoked. 


1.Welcome (2min)

  • SC members inquired if the Email/Comment shared by Steve Crocker can be discussed today.
  • The discussion was postponed, because Steve Crocker was an apology for the meeting. 

2.RDRS Final Report (40min)

      1. Review of Comments – Chapter 1
  • The SC reviewed draft Chapter 1 of the RDRS Final Report report.
  • SC members requested additional time to submit comments, and agreed to finalize by the end of the week (COB Friday).
  • SC Members inquired about placeholders in Chapter One, particularly text in brackets (e.g., metrics and explanations).
  • ICANN Org provided clarification
  • Support staff has used all the information provided by the SC in the RDRS workbook as the foundation.
  • To enhance user-friendlinessand provide more context for non-SC member support staff, they have included additional high-level trends (green text) for the consideration of the RDRS SC.
  • Trends and recommendations drawn directly from the workbook are retained in black.
  • Discussions included whether to represent data in bulleted form or as narrative. Consensus leaned toward bulleted for clarity.
  • SC members asked to highlight report data reflecting a defined time period (end of the first pilot year) and include clear introductory notes explaining the time focus.
  • SC Chair added that during the drafting period the report will focus on 1-year RDRS usage data. However, closer to the publication deadline, the SC will decide if the data should be updated. 
  • Debate arose regarding denial reasons provided by registrars. SC members raised concerns including lack of transparency and whether reasons reflect true explanations. 
  • SC members proposed to list all denial categories with metrics.
  • SC members discussed to clarify that reasons are self-selected by registrars and contextualised with a footnote.

Action Items:

  • Review the text and comments in draft Chapter 1 by Friday, 31 January COB. 
  • SC is kindly asked to suggest what should be kept, removed, modified or added in the draft chapter. SC is kindly asked to make sure that the SC views are characterized correctly in the document, SC is asked to suggest language to something it can accept.
  • Consider adding a Sankey visualization for clarity based on 1-year RDRS usage data. Gabriel agreed to provide a version for consideration. 

      1. Update on Draft Chapter 2
  • ICANN Org that the chapter will focus on the proposed system enhancements from the RDRS Workbook.
  • Some system enhancement proposals lack detail/clear  explanation in the RDRS Workbook. 
  • Currently  enhancements with a status selected (far right column) are those that were discussed by SC as necessary to move forward with, approved, in process or closed. Everything else does not have a status.  
  • SC Members are kindly asked to revisit the RDRS Workbook and confirm whether the system enhancement proposals without a status selected should be included in the draft chapter 2 (focusing on system enhancements) as potential future enhancements, and if so to ensure the explanation of the request is clear or if they would like to revoke the proposal. Please include that designation in the Comments column of the Workbook.

Action Items:

  • SC members are kindly asked to go back to the RDRS Workbook and check the tabs Registrars and Requestor. In those tabs, SC members are kindly asked to check if there are remaining system enhancement proposals that are associated with them and add in the comment column if they want the proposal to be reflected in the final report and ensure the explanation of the request is clear or if the proposal can be revoked. 

3.RDRS registrar enhancement (5min)

  • ICANN Org updated the RDRS SC that the system enhancement allowing registrars to update request categories has been implemented.
  • This enhancement allows for correcting improperly categorized requests (e.g., non-law enforcement labelled as law enforcement).

4.RDRS related events (10min)

    • ICANN Org updated the RDRS SC on the following upcoming events: 
  • 12 February: APTLD 87 - Hong Kong - Session: “Ploughing or Kowtowing? Challenges of Managing LEA’s Information Requests
  • 19 February: M3AAWG 63rd General Meeting- Portugal - Session: Helping ICANN create a workable system for obtaining non-public domain registration data).  This event doesn’t have remote participation, but Rod Rasmussen will send notes to ICANN and a focus group meeting will be scheduled with ICANN (including Seb) to review the suggested improvements for RDRS from the session

5.AOB (3min)