2025-01-13 RDRS Standing Committee - Meeting #23
The call will take place on Monday, 13 January 2025 at 17:30 UTC for 60 minutes.
For other places see: https://tinyurl.com/2v4t72w2
1.Welcome + SOI updates (5min)
2. Continuation of Quarterly Survey Reports (7min)
3.Final Report Input from Standing Committee (30min)
a.Preview of Report draft
4.Future RDRS webinar (6min)
5.Update on system enhancement for registrar updating requestor category (7min)
6.AOB (5min)
Notes/ Action Items
Action Items:
- RDRS SC to review the RDRS final report Outline document [docs.google.com] and Assignment 1 Chapter [docs.google.com] and provide comments by 23rd of January.
Important Documents for RDRS final report review:
- RDRS Final Report Outline: https://docs.google.com/document/d/157GemS7-sX_Vr6n9n9iXLdiEoyQ4q9ug/edit [docs.google.com]
- RDRS Final Report draft Chapter - Assignment 1:https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CBAHz7G2AmjOt7C68Rn_hFl5c9F83lz9/edit[docs.google.com]
- RDRS Workbook: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1XFK-RCT5Nv-KcNgX4eQunkUKgSI35Yc_nUZ68LeaI9M/edit?gid=1719649479#gid=1719649479[docs.google.com]
- Welcome + SOI updates (5min)
- Continuation of Quarterly Survey Reports (7min)
- ICANN Org informed the RDRS SC that given current surveys are not receiving high response rates ICANN would like to do the following:
- Requester Surveys: Automatic surveys will continue. Quarterly reports paused; a comprehensive report will be produced at the end of the second year.
- Registrar Surveys: Surveys will be paused entirely; a single report will be prepared at the two-year mark.
- Both registrars and requestors can continue to request 1:1 interviews with ICANN to provide their feedback by following the instructions to request an interview provided on each platform.
- Decision: The committee agreed to this approach. Final documentation of the decision will be included in the meeting minutes.
- Final Report Input from Standing Committee (30min)
- ICANN Org presented two documents to the RDRS SC for their comment and feedback.
- ICANN Org explained that we are now moving into the report drafting phase, so while we have the RDRS workbook to reference, no new suggestions should be added there. They should be added to the draft report in comment mode only.
i.Outline Document: [docs.google.com] Gives a high- level overview of what the RDRS final report will cover and focus on. The report will be divided based on the four assignments of the RDRS SC.
Action Item: RDRS SC to review the document and provide comments by 23 January.
- Draft Chapter – Assignment 1: [docs.google.com] ICANN Org presented the “assignment 1” draft chapter.
- The chapter focuses on the trends identified by the RDRS SC based on the review and analysis of the RDRS metrics from the last 12 months.
- ICANN Org included the latest metrics from the December 2024 RDRS metrics report. The numbers/graphics will be updated once the RDRS 1year metrics are published.
- ICANN Org informed the SC that the text is divided into black text – input provided by SC in RDRS workbook [docs.google.com] and green text – further context included by ICANN Org for user friendliness.
- ICANN Org has used the input provided by the RDRS SC in the RDRS workbook [docs.google.com] to formulate trends and recommendations. (black text)
- To provide more background to the outside reader who may not be familiar or have read any of the monthly reports, ICANN Org added in some high-level metrics info and other suggestions to make the report more user-friendly. Green text means the text did not come directly from the RDRS workbook, and the SC is free to toss it out entirely or edit it.
Action Item: RDRS SC to review the draft chapter and provide their comments by 23rd of January.
- Future RDRS webinar (6min)
- ICANN Org informed that we are seeking SC volunteers for another RDRS webinar: The ICANN Global Stakeholder Engagement Team is planning an RDRS webinar for USPTO/MPA/COA which may present another opportunity for SC members to participate in the presentation. Additional information will be provided to the SC as plans are finalized.
- Update on system enhancement for registrar updating requestor category (7min)
- ICANN Org informed the SC that the ETA for release of the feature allowing registrars to change the request category is the week of January 20th. Updated User Guides will be published the same week.
- AOB (5min)
Steve Crocker provided two points as AOB:
- Registrar info: A report from Interisle shows a fairly large number of instances where queries about a registered domain name did not yield the name of the registrar. He asked what is the official policy regarding disclosure of the name of the registrar?
Discussion Points:
Sarah Wyld clarified that registrar information must always be included in WHOIS output, per ICANN’s RAA-Registration Data Directory Services Specification. Missing registrar data indicates a problem in the response, which should be reported.
Gabriel Andrews added that logistical hurdles, such as rate-limiting, might contribute to missing data when querying large lists of domains.
Simon Raveh (ICANN Org) explained that RDRS obtains registrar data from registry-level WHOIS queries, ensuring registrar identification even if the registrar is non-participating.
- Two upcoming Edgemoor Research Institute webinars: Edgemoor Research Institute will be giving a pair of webinars on Project Jake describing a comprehensive framework for a registration data directory service that includes disclosure policies and other attributes for a more complete, effective and efficient service. The first will be on 6 Feb and will give an overview and feature inputs from representatives from several constituencies. The second webinar on 27 Feb will go into further detail.