2022-10-18 EPDP Phase 2 Small Team - Meeting #19

2022-10-18 EPDP Phase 2 Small Team - Meeting #19

The call will take place on Tuesday, 18 October 2022 at 14:00 UTC for 90 minutes.

For other places see: https://tinyurl.com/bdv5mmpu


  1. Welcome
  2. Update on ICANN org – Registrar engagement regarding sending data disclosure request via encrypted email to participating registrars and future API
  3. Outstanding items in addendum [docs.google.com] for review:
    1. Whois Disclosure System data collection & reporting
    2. Section 3 – recommendation to GNSO Council
    3. Other?
  4. Timeline next steps:
    1. 20 October – Council meeting – update to Council on status of work and direction of thinking
    2. 25 October at 14.00 UTC – EPDP Phase 2 small team meeting to consider Council feedback and any outstanding issues on the addendum
    3. 26-4 November – schedule additional meetings as needed
    4. By 7 November at the latest – submit final version of addendum to GNSO Council
    5. 17 November – GNSO Council consideration of small team addendum
  5. AOB




Apologies: none



Audio Recording

Zoom Recording

Chat Transcript - located on zoom recording/ select the chat tab

Notes/ Action Items